Is this the only way to add a new series using the API currently?
That seems like a lot of information to provide when it could easily look that information up for you based on a TVDB ID for example. The only other method I found was the Series-Lookup which only allows for a term search so you still can’t use an ID to look up the information on a series. This makes third party integration very difficult. Any plans to improve that area?
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Add series relies on the information required, we have no plans to change that, its information required to add a series to Sonarr, not get information about a series back. The idea is you use the Series Lookup endpoint to get the information required and then use that to add the series (this is the same way the UI operates).
You can pass tvdb:12345
to series lookup to look for a specific ID, the UI mentions this and the Series Lookup API doc does now as well.
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