Activity queue 'unmatch'

Currently there is no way to say “this isn’t the right match, stop”. I only have the option of removing it from the download queue.

The only time this really occurs (for me) is when I’m manually adding something - because sonarr hasn’t found it, or scene/other numbering off. I’d like to be able to say “ignore/remove from nzbdrone, but leave alone”

Currently have to go into downloader and change label to avoid this.

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I don’t see this being something we’ll support, its not a common case so the effort isn’t really worth the reward.

Its still not clear why you would want to unmatch it?

In the case where it’s not matching correctly, for one reason or another.

There’s been some series which either TVDB or some other conflicting sources have had filenames wrong - for example one source (downloading) has Season 4 Episode 6, but Sonarr thinks that it should be Season 6 Episode 6.

When I manually put this into my download client I want to download it into my default directory, rename it properly, then dump it into my drone factory folder.

What has happened is that as soon as I manually add it, sonarr picks up on it and says “Ok - downloading Season 4 Episode 6”…except it’s not…and if I leave it alone, there’s a chance that it will incorrectly REPLACE my PROPER season 4 episode 6.

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Just unmonitor that episode until it’s in drone factory.

Is the series being corrected with If not it should likely be.

Unmonitoring only prevents grabbing, so that won’t work in this scenario.

Sometimes, but for the most part no. It’s usually me being impatient while waiting for TVDB to update/ to map properly, or for obscure shows where the season/episode naming convention may be all over the place.

Previously, the above users’ suggestion was fine. I would download and make sure it never got dropped into the drone factory folder.

Being able to supply/correct the (manual) import information while the episode is downloading could be useful, since that could save some time for manual imports as well as work for the above case, which is presumably rarer.

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