Absolute Number parsing error

By importing my TV-Shows some Anime are not imported completely. Seems to be an error with the regex for absolute number.

Episode from 1 - 100 are imported correctly and above that only fully hundreds (200, 300, and so on). I’m tested in Master and in Develop. Same error.

There are already a few threads on this.

And none of them includes a solution or are about exactly this problem :smile:

Got it on my own now:

You’ve to use this name scheme: $Seriesname - ep{absolute} - $epname.$ext

With this one it works like a charm.

Ah yes you must set it to anime but Markus is refering to anything above 100 will not be picked up correct e.g. 101 201 304 etc as this is recognized as a season rather than episode number.

Yep, set on Anime all the time.

with “ep” before absolute number it works flawless