Ability to prefer/avoid nzbs with certain tags, such as 5.1 over AAC2.0

Plenty of times when Sonarr is searching for NZBs, it finds a suitable HD720p release but ends up choosing the release with AAC2.0 in the title rather than the regular scene release (which is much more likely to include 5.1 audio).

I know I can disallow AAC2.0 from being fetched by adding it as a restriction, but I’ve got shows where the only available 720p episodes are AAC2.0, so it stops those shows from downloading entirely. The behaviour I would like is for it to search for the 720p episode, choose anything other than AAC2.0, if nothing else except AAC2.0 is available, only then can it fetch that release.

So the feature I’m suggesting is rather than “Must Contain” or “Must Not Contain”, is “Prefer” & “Avoid”. So if I want to prefer “5.1” or “HDTV”, I can do that without it being a MUST, and I can “avoid” “AAC2.0”. If not this then, things like 5.1 or 2.0 audio could be part of the Quality Profile.

I don’t mind in which way it’s implemented, as long as there is some method to stop downloading these AAC2.0 releases when 5.1 releases are out.

Thanks for reading my feature request.

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Dupe: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/issues/385

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