Mono Version
AppData directory /var/snap/sonarr/common
Startup directory /snap/sonarr/324/Sonarr
Mode Console
password: f4sN6EbqXt
have to have password to open log - they think the log is nasty
I am hoping that somebody can tell me how I get sonarr to accept a “root folder”. I have now examined everything I could in both sonarr AND radarr (which has a root address) and cannot find where I would do that. I have also examined sabnzbplus as well as a pile of internet files that mention root folders and just cannot find where its actually setup.
I have read the documentation, over and over, and I am obviously missing something. As far as I can tell there is no specific instructions as to where to put the root folder address so that sonarr knows where to send the completed show address (/mnt/3tb/TV). I have been asking this same question for at least a week and I have yet to see any response.
It seems so simple to me. I have to put this address someplace so that sonarr will know where to put the finished show. That’s it!
Really no offense, but I don’t think you even looked at the link and searched for “root folder” on the page. It’s literally right there, even in the table of contents, and the instructions on how to add a root folder fit on a single mobile screen with the rest of the chapter on root folders.
If you want, you can even search for “add root folder” and it takes you right there…
i’d agree that its not visually obvious that its a setting with it all being over on the left hand side, but that big blue Add Root Folder button is hard to miss
Here is an example of what’s giving me fits:
Root Folders
Path - This shows the path to your media library
Free Space - This is the free space being reported to Sonarr from the system
Unmapped Folders - These are folders that do not have a Series associated to it
The X at the end will remove this root path
Add Root Folder - This allows you to select a root path for a place to either place new imported downloads into this folder or to allow Sonarr to scan existing media.
Non-Windows Users:
* If you're using an NFS mount ensure nolock is enabled.
* If you're using an SMB mount ensure nobrl is enabled.
This is just one example. The simple fact is that this tells me nothing. I guess I should understand what nsf or smb means and kinda do but ‘nobrl’ or ‘nolock’ means nothing to me and do not exist on my system as far as I can tell. “add root folder” does me no good because, when I enter the actual address, I am told it doesn’t exist!
I can go through this all over the place. You tell me its so easy but not for me. It also says, in one place that the downloader (i assume this is the the download client) refers to the category address which should NOT be the root folder and, then, again, says it should be (I can send that one to you if you want).
What I really need to know is how to make the real address of where shows are acceptable to sonarr. My shows are at /mnt/3tb/TV my category address is /home/greg/Video/tv - neither is acceptable. I suspect the problem may be in sabnzbdplus but can’t figure it out. In “missing root file” it gets even better! It tells me that the root folder address is in some kind of list but doesn’t say anything about where or what that might be.
If you want I can send you copies of every ‘root’, ‘add root folder’ etc. Not once can I find what you say is there.
I am not trying to be a smart ass but I am really tired of this. I know its out there because I have been through this before but its been several years.
The embarrassing thing is that I did this dance before, several years ago and that has become some kind of reference but noplace in that one does it say, right out loud, how one can setup a root address.
I am, obviously confused. I can understand your fury but, instead of that why can’t you simply tell me how to setup a root address or tell me where to go - if its so simple!
My problem is that sonarr will not accept where my root folder is /mnt/3tb/TV I suspect that the answer is in another program, in this case its in sabnzbd. I just don’t know how.
Mono Version
AppData directory /var/snap/sonarr/common
Startup directory /snap/sonarr/324/Sonarr
Mode Console
It dawns on me that I need to change the permissions of the root folder. Could somebody tell me how the permissions should be?
My thought was that this would somehow be standardized. I was wrong. Currently most of my folders is owned by me and I am also group. Everything I have read so far says to change the group. Both owner and group are set to create and delete and others have access (775). I assume that I am the user and owner if I am right then my problem is deciding what the group should be. I also don’t know how the sonarr user and group is set.
Then there is yet another problem docker. Docker, apparently, in an app. I don’t have that app. There is a lot of stuff about it but I don’t have it.
I have read that sonarr needs to be group. What is the name I change the group so that sonarr is the group. Is it Sonarr? or something else.
I also suspect that much of the above may be wrong but I am trying!
I went to radarr to see what its using as a root folder and it goes like:
/mnt/3tb/Movies. Sonarr, however, says: “Path does not exist” Sonarr uses (in theory) /mnt/3tb/TV
I do not use docker (single user - never been necessary)
If radarr works and uses a file at /mnt/3tb/Movies and the Sonarr should use /mnt/3tb/TV. It doesn’t. That means, to me, that either radar is magical or has been told, from someplace, that /mnt/3tb/Movies is real and ok. Now all I have to do is to figure out how that is possible. The other interesting thing is that the radarr /mnt/3tb/Movies is owned and group is me (greg). So, obviously the permissions I have are fine as well?
So the mystery is where is that place that tells sonarr where the root folder is.
Then, whilst trying stuff I got this:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure sonarr
dpkg-query: package ‘sonarr’ is not installed and no information is available
Use dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files.
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: sonarr is not installed
I have sonarr running right now (without a root folder)
I am now trying to figure out “api” apparently its part of sonarr and mentioned A LOT by the sonarr log. I went to Servarr Wiki file and searched for “api” and it referred sonarr and sonarr trouble shooter searched there and then went to sonarr settings. Basically there was no “api” info anyplace. I must be missing something here.
Then there is something called “Arr”. Have no idea about that one.