A New Article on NzbDrone

Found this whilst checking out a regular site i visit called Usenetreviewz

They had a nice little article comparing NzbDrone Vs Sickbeard it isn’t that much detailed but they did give the edge to NzbDrone in terms of what it offers as well all know there is more than a “slight edge” as they put it but at least it is a positive outcome for us :smile:

The site has quite a large visitor base so i am thinking this should generate some new users to the site i would be interested in knowing if any new users either heard about NzbDrone or decided to try it based on things you read from the site or similar reply to this post if you like and tell us :smile:

“Sickbeard is more developed.” Wait, what? It’s been around longer, but that’s not the same thing as being more developed. I’d say Drone is way more developed that vanilla Sickbeard is.

I agree there is a reason Sickbeard has never been out of Alpha :slight_smile: