3rd-party RSS Feed Generator - FetchRSS.com

Sonarr Ver.
Mono Ver.
Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.2.8 x86_64)

To start off with. I have Sonarr setup correctly. Its set up in Docker running in Container Station on QNap NAS. Dragon Ball Super is the TV Series that I am currently working with. About four weeks ago DBS episodes/releases stopped downloading automatically. After some light research I discovered that some subset of torrent sites were pressured to shut down by the powers that be [crunchyroll, funimation,etc]

I sought a different technique to restore the automatic downloads of DBS. I discovered FetchRSS.com This 3rd-Party mostly free online service will allow you to manually define a RSS feed. You first go to the torrent site of your preference and perform a search that produces the desired search result list. Then you copy the URL in the address bar to FetchRSS.com and FetchRSS will allow you to map the attributes of the RSS Feeds that you’re creating to the various elements and selectors on the torrent site’s search results list. When fully mapped it would look something like this…

As you can see in the feed preview the formatting is pretty standard. The generated RSS Feed URL generates the following feed…

Next I set up a couple of new Sonarr Indexers using Nyaa and Torrent RSS Feed as templates…

The other indexer templates didn’t seem to like the generated RSS feed. However, even though the two indexers that did successfully test and accept the generated RSS feed URLs, they didn’t grab the desired release.

When inspecting the logs, all I got was the following…

After initiating a manual search and producing zero search results the logs indicate what is plainly obvious but little else.

So my question: Is there a location with more detailed logs? If not, how can I enable more detailed logging? What other troubleshooting tips can you provide?

Does those Indexer Templates only work with torrent files and not a magnet links?

To check whether magnet links or torrent file links would make a difference, I tried setting up a FetchRSS feed for LimeTorrents which uses torrent file links in addition to magnet links. During feed setup I made sure to select the torrent file link during feed setup. Aside from that the setup process was the same.

This time it generated a different message in the logs…

19-3-10 18:16:36.0|Error|Deluge|Downloading torrent file for episode '[Funimation DUB] Dragon Ball Super - 101 [1080p][EXIL3]' failed (http://itorrents.org/torrent/70D0302F57BC89450A61108974B339123144E111.torrent?title=[Funimation-DUB]-Dragon-Ball-Super--101-[1080p][EXIL3])

[v2.0.0.5318] NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpException: HTTP request failed: [503:ServiceUnavailable] [GET] at [http://itorrents.org/torrent/70D0302F57BC89450A61108974B339123144E111.torrent?title=[Funimation-DUB]-Dragon-Ball-Super--101-[1080p][EXIL3]]
  at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Execute (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00133] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:100 
  at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00007] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:264 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.TorrentClientBase`1[TSettings].DownloadFromWebUrl (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode, System.String torrentUrl) [0x00024] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\TorrentClientBase.cs:134 
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19-3-10 18:16:37.2|Warn|ProcessDownloadDecisions|Couldn't add report to download queue. [Funimation DUB] Dragon Ball Super - 101 [1080p][EXIL3]

[v2.0.0.5318] NzbDrone.Core.Exceptions.ReleaseDownloadException: Downloading torrent failed ---> NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpException: HTTP request failed: [503:ServiceUnavailable] [GET] at [http://itorrents.org/torrent/70D0302F57BC89450A61108974B339123144E111.torrent?title=[Funimation-DUB]-Dragon-Ball-Super--101-[1080p][EXIL3]]
  at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Execute (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00133] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:100 
  at NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpClient.Get (NzbDrone.Common.Http.HttpRequest request) [0x00007] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Common\Http\HttpClient.cs:264 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.TorrentClientBase`1[TSettings].DownloadFromWebUrl (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode, System.String torrentUrl) [0x00024] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\TorrentClientBase.cs:134 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.TorrentClientBase`1[TSettings].DownloadFromWebUrl (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode, System.String torrentUrl) [0x0018d] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\TorrentClientBase.cs:178 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.TorrentClientBase`1[TSettings].Download (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode) [0x00148] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\TorrentClientBase.cs:117 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadService.DownloadReport (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode) [0x00243] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\DownloadService.cs:96 
  at NzbDrone.Core.Download.ProcessDownloadDecisions.ProcessDecisions (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] decisions) [0x000d9] in M:\BuildAgent\work\5d7581516c0ee5b3\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\ProcessDownloadDecisions.cs:76 

19-3-10 18:16:37.2|Info|RssSyncService|RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 5, Reports grabbed: 0

No, it doesn’t matter.

Your issue is the indexer is returning an error, 503:ServiceUnavailable something on their side is failing.

I suspect they have some Anti-DDOS process that is looking for a real user. Perhaps by using referrer rather than captcha.

But I suspect that there are dozens of other sites that use Anti-DDOS tech and I am sure both Radarr and Sonarr use them and successfully download torrents from them. Also, When I load the URL in the error it loads without issue. And that is a direct load of the page without a referrer. So, I don’t know what’s going on.

I also do not understand why… in my first post… the error log refers to an invalid torrent file when, … in that case… it was supposed to be using a magnet link. That was the source of my question regarding magnet-v-torrent links.

Very possible they are doing something on their side, if that’s the case Sonarr isn’t going to work with it.

Looks like it’s getting a torrent, not a magnet link.

You’re right. That is a torrent file. But that wasn’t the error I was referring to. I was talking about the error log from my initial post. My initial post was generated by setting up The Pirate Bay’s FetchRSS feed in Sonarr and as best as I can tell TBP doesn’t use torrent files. Only magnets. Well, at least that’s what I’ve been able to discern with my searches of DBS.

> Couldn't add report to download queue. [Funimation DUB] Dragon Ball Super - 101 [1080p] [EXIL3]; Invalid torrent file specified.

Could be that it didn’t properly indicate what it was so Sonarr treated it as a torrent and that failed because it wasn’t actually a torrent (Debug logs and/or trace might give a better idea what went wrong.

Magnet links need to start with magnet: for Sonarr to treat them as such.

Yes seems like these magnet links do not begin with ‘magnet:’

Sorry for the bad formatting on the log file content below. I tried to enclose in ‘code’ tags but it kept causing Chrome AND IE to lock up.

Anyway, it also says that Could not find what value to decode
What does that mean?


That’s a good reason to post logs elsewhere and link them here as requested when you opened this thread, as I had to do for you.

Sonarr is trying to decode the torrent, but it’s not a torrent so it fails.

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