XmlException Syntax Error

I had the same problem with a raspberry.

You need to update from Jessie to stretch. Then update all packages. This gives you mono 4.6 and sonarr works again

Thanks! I thought that was the way to fix it but wasn’t really sure. All working again now.

I updated from Jessie to Stretch, however Mono version was still 3.10 (using ‘mono --version’ to check). I then followed the instructions to install Mono from their website. Still version 3.10. It looks like it installs the latest version, but the check doesn’t see it. I read the posts above which say that perhaps Sonarr is using its own copy, but the instructions and location for FreeNAS do not match my Pi.

I also changed DAEMON=$(which mono) to DAEMON=/usr/local/bin/mono in /etc/init.d/nzbdrone, but that did noting.

Any suggestions? Thank you very much!

For those using the Sonarr plugin in FreeNas:

The location of the startup script where the procfile parameter is updated is


Obviously I am on freenas so I am not 100% sure.

Do you have the file /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr with the procname value?

I have no /rc.d/sonarr. I have /etc/mono though. I really don’t want to re-install and configure the entire Pi. But, maybe I need to look at tools for doing for. I do not understand what’s going on because, again, it looks like the new version of Mono installs, but Sonarr and --version don’t see it. I’ve searched Google for hours and days now. Is there a way I can point Sonarr to the right Mono location perhaps? Thanks so much again for helping out a newbie.

You are on the right site. I used the same and it works.

I assume you got mono not from the normal raspbian repositories but from somewhere else ? From example installing a dpkg file ?
then i would suggest to completly remove this mono package:
sudo dpkg -r <package_name>

also check your /etc/apt/sources that it does not get mono from somewhere else than the raspbian repo:
more /etc/apt/sources.list
ls more /etc/apt/sources.list.d

then install it again using sudo apt-get install mono-complete

-> should give you mono 4.x
then follow the guide in the mono page to go to mono 5

This worked for me! Much thanks for your contribution

Thank you! Although, similar to zedfrx I didn’t have to do anything with sqlite3.

It worked! Here’s what I did (I hope this helps others)…

Removed all custom entries/lines from sources.list

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y

Removed Mono

sudo dpkg -r mono

Installed Mono

sudo apt-get install mono-complete

However, version check…

mono --version


-bash: /usr/local/bin/mono: No such file or directory

But, nonetheless, Sonarr works now! Thank you so much!

Ok so I have this same issue but I cannot upgrade Mono on my NAS (old QNAP using ARM). Is there any other way to get round this?

In case any one missed it, for the Mac you need to update your version of Mono.


Install this, reboot… should be golden.

I’m using FreeNas with Sonarr in it’s own jail.
It’s using it’s own 3.10 mono and for the life of me, I can’t get it to run using an updated version of mono.

I’ve tried the same mono update commands and it updates mono elsewhere in the jail, not the actual mono that sonarr is using.

This is the error I’m getting when I try to add a nzb (sending it to sabnzbd)
Syntax Error after ‘<!’ characters, http://www.newzbin.com/DTD/nzb/nzb-1.1.dtd Line 3, postition 4

If I check the mono version here (which I assume is what comes with sonarr)
/usr/pbi/sonarr-amd64/bin/mono -V
Mono JIT compiler version 3.10.0 (tarball Thu Feb 4 00:22:52 PST 2016)

–but I do have a newer version of mono here as well:
/usr/bin/mono -V
Mono JIT compiler version 5.2.0 ( Thu Jun 7 01:30:19 UTC 2018)

In my /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr
I have:
I tried to update it to procname="/usr/bin/mono" and the service will no longer start.

I’m simply out of ideas and some of the “this worked for me” posts just don’t work for me.
I’ve restarted the jail after every change - nothing seems to work other than going back to my old 3.10 version and not using nzbs and that’s just not a good solution.
I didn’t change a thing after this has been running perfectly fine for months - why it would just break like this out of the blue is really puzzling to me.

I wish there were instructions this good on how to solve this for freenas users.
I reported this issue way back at the beginning of the thread. I was able to use the “pkg mono update” command to get it updated. BUT everytime sonarr has an update it breaks it again. This morning I’m seeing the same mono 3.1.0 again. This time that command does nothing.
This issue has been plaguing me for months now. So frustrating…

This worked for me as well.
I would add for Freenas users that aren’t well versed in the command line. (Took me a while to find the instructions on how to edit the file in freenas ssh)
To edit the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr script you just have to go to that directory and type:
edit sonarr

The editor is pretty self explanatory.

Also after I did this I was able to get sonarr to jump to mono 5.2.0 but now within the freenas gui it looks like the sonarr service is off and it won’t start. I’ve tried clicking on it, and I’ve tried “service sonarr onestart” from ssh. Sonarr is actually running fine but for some reason I can’t get freenas gui to turn the service on.

I’m not sure if that’s why @cholly did the sql reinstall (I didn’t bother with that because after updating the script and a reboot sonarr started right up and the mono had changed) and Frankly if this is how it has to be so I don’t have to worry about sonarr dropping the mono on me; I’ll take it. Thanks @cholly for the explanation and the instructions to get this fixed; Much appreciated.

Will there be a patch to address this? Seems a lot of people having the same issues.

@veridian5 we only provide packages for windows, debian/ubuntu and to some extend osx. Packages for other platforms such as freebsd, qnap, archlinux, unraid etc are provided by third parties and are outside of our control.
It basically boils down to an outdated mono version, not something we can ‘patch’ Sonarr for.

Ok I see. Thanks for the update.

Steps to fix on Freenas:

  • Ssh into freenas
  • Run warden list to get the list of jails
  • Jexec <nameofsonarrjail>
  • Pkg install mono
  • Edit the config file here /usr/local/etc/rc.d/sonarr
  • Change the procname address to:
  • procname="/usr/local/bin/mono"
  • Restart the jail

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