Xbmc library updates not working

For some time now the auto updates for xbmc are not working any more on my setup (Ubuntu 12.04 sonarr with xbmc 13.2 and mono 3.2.1). I have all options except clean library selected in the connect configuration. All notifications come through fine, but my episodes are only updated when I do a manual video library scan in xbmc. I removed the login on the xbmc webserver, but to no avail.

From the sonarr logs I presume this has something to do with the imdb id that is expected to be an integer, while it’s a string. But it could be an unrelated error? This error pops up with old shows imported from my sickbeard era and recently added shows.

14-11-4 20:27:37.3|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Url:
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|RestSharpExtensions|Validating Responses from [POST] [] status: [OK]
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Looking for error in response: RestSharp.RestResponse
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Url:
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|RestSharpExtensions|Validating Responses from [POST] [] status: [OK]
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Looking for error in response: RestSharp.RestResponse
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|JsonApiProvider|Could not convert string to integer: tt0285331. Path 'result.tvshows[0].imdbnumber', line 1, position 148.

On the xbmc side I just get this:

20:27:37 T:139725369218816   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
20:27:37 T:139725369218816   DEBUG: JSONRPC: Value does not match any of the enum values in type
20:27:37 T:139725369218816   DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
20:27:37 T:139725369218816   DEBUG: RunQuery took 4 ms for 215 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview
20:27:37 T:139726454691712   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
20:27:37 T:139725411182336  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
20:27:42 T:139726454691712   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
20:28:07 T:139725411182336   DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 139725411182336 terminating (autodelete)

Any ideas where I should look to fix this?

Do you use imdb for TV show scraping in XBMC? It looks like thats a proper IMDB ID, instead of being a TVDB ID (the default scraper), both use imdbnumber when returned in that response for some reason (a decision made by the XBMC team years ago).

You’ll want to update to at least 3.6, for stability purposes, you should be able to do so directly from the mono project’s Debian repo: Install Mono on Linux | Mono

Thanks for the quick and spot on reply!

I didn’t think more of it since the field was called imdbnumber, but there shouldn’t be an imdb number in there :slight_smile: my scraper is thetvdb, but apparently once upon a time it was imdb… 24, the first show in my list, has an imdb id instead of tvdb, stopping the update progress in its tracks.

I’ll have a look at cleany migrating the imdb scraped showes to tvdb, but I can image my autoupdate problems will be gone then :sunny: EDIT: a quick test with removing the offending imdb id’s from my library solved the issue as expected.

Also running mono 3.10 now, thanks for the heads up! I was still using the monoxide ppa.

Did you just need to add the repo(s) and then install? If so I’ll update the docs, because that beats compiling :smile:

Yep, removed the monoxide ppa and added the main entry + the ubuntu 12.04 one. one install mono-complete later and everything got cleanly updated and installed. Definitely beats compiling :wink:

A friend of mine running Debian wheezy also reported great success :sunglasses: