For some time now the auto updates for xbmc are not working any more on my setup (Ubuntu 12.04 sonarr with xbmc 13.2 and mono 3.2.1). I have all options except clean library selected in the connect configuration. All notifications come through fine, but my episodes are only updated when I do a manual video library scan in xbmc. I removed the login on the xbmc webserver, but to no avail.
From the sonarr logs I presume this has something to do with the imdb id that is expected to be an integer, while it’s a string. But it could be an unrelated error? This error pops up with old shows imported from my sickbeard era and recently added shows.
14-11-4 20:27:37.3|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Url:
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|RestSharpExtensions|Validating Responses from [POST] [] status: [OK]
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Looking for error in response: RestSharp.RestResponse
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Url:
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|RestSharpExtensions|Validating Responses from [POST] [] status: [OK]
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|XbmcJsonApiProxy|Looking for error in response: RestSharp.RestResponse
14-11-4 20:27:37.4|Debug|JsonApiProvider|Could not convert string to integer: tt0285331. Path 'result.tvshows[0].imdbnumber', line 1, position 148.
On the xbmc side I just get this:
20:27:37 T:139725369218816 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
20:27:37 T:139725369218816 DEBUG: JSONRPC: Value does not match any of the enum values in type
20:27:37 T:139725369218816 DEBUG: webserver: request received for /jsonrpc
20:27:37 T:139725369218816 DEBUG: RunQuery took 4 ms for 215 items query: SELECT * FROM tvshowview
20:27:37 T:139726454691712 DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
20:27:37 T:139725411182336 NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
20:27:42 T:139726454691712 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogKaiToast.xml) ------
20:28:07 T:139725411182336 DEBUG: Thread JobWorker 139725411182336 terminating (autodelete)
Any ideas where I should look to fix this?