Would like to show only the latest season/series

Is there a way to do that? Antiques Roadshow for example, current season is 37 but I don’t really want the earlier seasons to show up under Series.

Cheers, Simon

Just my 2 cents: maybe make a show/hide toggle for unmonitored seasons in the series page?

E.g. if I unmonitor a season, I’m generally not interested in it anymore, for whatever reason. I don’t want it, I have all episodes in the quality I want, … so for me it’s also not required to show it in the series page.

Unmonitor the old seasons and you won’t see them in the count and they will be collapsed automatically because they aren’t airing.

They’re already collapsed, having a toggle to completely hide them seems like overkill to me to save a few pixels.

Hmmm, never realised this, as generally only old seasons are unmonitored in my case so I never scroll down that far :smile:

Nitpicky UI remark: the collapsed seasons are still quite “fat”. I suspect (but I’m not an expert / haven’t looked at the code yet) because the show/hide toggle is below the season number and modify/preview/search buttons in its own div or table cell, rather than on the same level. Probably there’s a good reason to do it like that, maybe for the mobile UI etc.

It was just the style we used, not really a concrete reason, something we can take a look at in the next UI.

Cheers all.

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