Why not remove episode from Wanted/Missing immediately after download?

This is a bit long-winded, so here’s a TL;DR first… I watch and delete new episodes before NZBDrone does its next disk scan, causing episodes to still be listed as missing, even though they were downloaded.

Anyway, I’m a recent convert from SB to NZBDrone, and I love it - with one exception. Now maybe it’s because I’m not using it as intended - I don’t use it to keep an archive of shows. I use it to download new episodes, which I usually watch that same day or the next day, and I delete the episode.

Here’s how I currently have to operate with NZBDrone:

  1. NZBDrone finds and processes episode for me.
  2. I watch and delete episode.
  3. Now here’s the problem - the episode is still listed under the Wanted section as missing, because I deleted it before the next disk scan occurred.
  4. NZBDrone eventually scans the disk again and sees the file is not there, so it’s still listed as missing and is still being monitored. I don’t want it to be monitored because I’ve watched it, I’m done with it. This forces me to go into each show and either do an update/disk scan manually before I delete the episode, or mark each episode that I already deleted as unmonitored. Very time consuming and pretty much a deal breaker for me.

Here is what would make the most sense to me:

  1. NZBDrone finds and processes episode for me.
  2. When NZBDrone gets the episode, it immediately marks it in the database as downloaded, and then of course it would not be listed as missing.
  3. I watch and delete episode.

Is there some logistical reason that it doesn’t just unflag the show as wanted/missing as soon as it’s downloaded like SB does, as opposed to waiting up to 12 hours for the next full update?

Or is there a way to have it do a disk refresh only (as opposed to full series update) more often than 12 hours?

By the way, I do have “Ignore Deleted Episodes” set to yes, but again, if I delete it from disk before the next disk scan, it thinks it was never downloaded in the first place, so this setting never comes into play.

Thanks for any help or advice.

How are you currently sorting files? I know drone isn’t doing it because if drone was picking them up from the Drone Factory folder and sorting them, then they would immediately be marked as downloaded, then when deleted would be detected as deleted (and auto-ignored if that setting is enabled). This wiki page describes how it should be setup for the best experience: https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/Sorting-and-Renaming

Drone doesn’t consider the episode as downloaded until it sees it, AFAIK SB only treats it as snatched and later as downloaded when it processes it.

  1. It doesn’t wait 12 hours if it was sorted by drone, the 12 hour rescan is a solution to deal with files getting deleted from the disk or added via another mechanism.

  2. For most users 12 hours is fine, unless you want to write a script to hit the API and tell drone to rescan it (https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/Command#rescanseries)

If you want drone to immediately ignore a deleted episode you can, you just need to delete the file from within drone, via the episode details modal.

Let me know if you need more details on anything.

Ah-ha, you pointed me in the right direction. The files were being sorted by SABnzbd with my old Sabtosickbeard script, because both SB and now NZBDrone were set to use the same category named ‘tv’.

I created a new category for Drone only, so I’m sure that will fix it. I’ll know for sure later tonight.

Thanks for the help and quick response!