Why is Sonarr deleting/copying my media?


New to Sonarr but I think I have it setup correctly. Maybe not. I have it connected to Deluge, and I have CHD off. I have no need for it and Filebot takes care of everything for me. All I want is for Sonarr to download media and detect that the media is downloaded. This is what I’ve been trying to accomplish for the past hour but it isn’t functioning correctly.

I added the completed downloads folder to Drone Factory. I don’t know why but Sonarr is still moving files from my drone folder to my media folder. I really don’t want it to do that. i thought Drone Factory is just to detect completed downloads. With CHD off why is Sonarr still moving my files? I can confirm that running the Downloaded Episodes Scan task moves/deletes my media even with CHD disabled.

Only reason I used Drone Factory was because if I don’t, Sonarr does not detect that torrent files finish. They just stay in Queue even though Deluge shows them as finished.

Drone Factory is the old import method, by setting it to the completed download folder of deluge you are telling Sonarr to import from there.

CDH is used to import completed files, even without it on Sonarr will detect that a download is complete, but will not import it. With CDH off the completed downloads should be removed from the queue within a few minutes of them completing, make sure you’re running the latest release of Sonarr as this was added within the last 2 weeks.

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So Drone Factory is for importing, oops…ok I didn’t know that. I’ll remove it.

I just realized I was on 3357. Updated to latest version. I’m trying it now and it works much better with seeing completed downloads. :slight_smile: Thanks for the help.

Can I ask you one more question? So yes downloaded files are not showing up in queue anymore. I noticed that the episodes are still in Wanted section and status is Episode missing from disk. I just wanted to confirm that this status will not change until Sonarr performs the ‘Refresh Series’ task every 12 hours? Can I increase the frequency?

Correct, it won’t change.

No, that task also refreshes data from TheTVDB, so increasing it would put more load on those services. You could have a script that hits Sonarr’s API and runs the rescanSeries command for the specific series (you’d also need to hit the API to get the correct series ID).

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Thanks…I see. Ok that’s fine. The only reason why I’m concerned with this is because I was thinking perhaps since Sonarr isn’t removing the episodes from Wanted, that it will attempt to download the episode again if RSS feed shows the episode again within those 12 hours, like another scene release or something. Is it possible that this would happen?

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Not with CDH off, when CDH is off Sonarr relies on the history to determine if the cutoff has been met or if it should accept another quality.

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I didn’t want to start a new thread for this, but this just happened. 720p Web-DL downloaded and then later about 30 minutes Sonarr grabbed the 720p HDTV version of the same episode. My profile has 720p HDTV as cutoff. I do not want this behavior. I am fine with either HDTV or WebDL and do not want Sonarr to download another version. How can I set is so that it downloades any 720p quality and does not try to download another version? I tried making new profile with empty cutoff but I get error ‘Cutoff’ must not be empty.


Please post a screenshot of the profile in question.

It’s just the default 720p profile.

Thats not the default profile. You’ve re-ordered all 3 qualities so HDTV-720p is more preferred than WEBDL-720p and Bluray-720p and set left the cutoff at HDTV-720p, which told Sonarr that you ultimately want HDTV-720p, so it “upgraded” to HDTV-720p for you.

If you re-order the profile to put HDTV-720p below WEBDL-720p and Bluray-720p above WEBDL-720p then Sonarr will prefer WEBDL/Bluray releases and stop looking for upgrades as soon as any of those qualities is in Sonarr’s library. If you want to keep the order as-is, change the cutoff to Blurary-720p and Sonarr will again stop when either of those 3 is imported.

Oh I see, I guess I changed it when setting up.

Is there a way to get Sonarr to ignore the cutoff? Like I wrote, I just want it to download 720p any quality (according to my preferred order) and not download anything else after that. This is the way I have Sickrage setup. There’s Allowed vs Preferred, but you can have nothing in preferred so Sickrage just downloads what’s allowed (HDTV, WEBDL or Bluray) and then stops after that. I dont understand why Sonarr forces you to pick a preferred or cut off quality.

I prefer HDTV due to the lower size, but if a WEB DL is released first, I’ll take that. If I keep my order as it is now and change cut-off to Bluray, won’t Sonarr download Bluray quality when that is released ?

It’s surprisingly straightforward once you wrap your head around it: if your existing episode file is of equal or higher quality than the cutoff, that episode will be considered unmonitored and no other release will be grabbed regardless of quality.

So the order determines what you consider higher quality. (for example, many consider bluray-720p to be superior to webdl-1080p, regardless of resolution)
The cutoff determines what you consider ‘good enough’.

See also https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Profiles

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ohhh ok. Now it makes sense. I didn’t realize cutoff = equal or higher quality. Thanks!

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