Why can't I view other pages from sonarr web dir?


I’m wondering why if I put other, lets say html, pages in the root web dir (The UI folder) of sonarr I just get the following error.

{ "message": "NotFound" }

I’ve created a simple test.html file but it just wont show up.

The reason for this is I would like to setup let’s encrypt to secure but it requires that I make a file available to the resolving name.

Thanks in advance

The web server doesn’t load up every file, there are handlers for different components, images, CSS files, javascript files as well as index.html and login.html, since there isn’t many html files and their needs are slightly different we handle them explicitly.

Is there a specific file at a specific URL that letsencypt is expecting?

Yes. When generating the certificate it gives you the randomly generated filename and content it will expect. This changes every time you run it.

So how would I go about getting my file included?

At the moment there isn’t anything you can do to get the file served through Sonarr’s web server, you’d need to use another webserver to do that.

Supporting Let’s Encrypt is something we’ve discussed briefly, but its not something we’ve committed to supporting and with the current mono SSL implementation lacking support for modern protocols its not something we’re focusing on.

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