Which mono, or best way to purge old mono on ubuntu

Now that sonarr is pulling its own mono was just wondering what might be the best way to use the one sonarr pulls for itself. I running on an Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS that I at some point built mono 3.8 and sonarr still reports its use. This is a VM whose only purpose is for sonarr, just would like to clean it up a bit keep it current with what is provided by sonarr

Could this simple enough just to purge the old mono, issue reinstall of nzbdrone/sonarr … purge both and just reinstall sonarr?

I suppose there is a link as update-alternatives shows no mono alternatives.

This is as far as I have gone but still researching , don’t want to trash things to badly with out some plan.

This might help others,

I had to do a make uninstall to remove the 3.8 that I had built (from within the folder I built from)

Added mono’s package repository from xamarin got me to 3.10

Guess at some point I’m gonna have to give in complete refresh as I have pounded the heck out of this one… :smile: