When I go to my series and hover over the monitored icon it says “Toggle monitored status” in both states. I’m assuming dark/filled in means that it’s on and outline means off. But the blue/red circle changes as well and it’s never the same from season to season; why would it list “0/10 downloaded” when I’m not monitoring a season but “No aired episodes” for one I am.
You’re right, monitored is filled in (either all black or all white depending on the background colour).
The circle changes because its showing if episodes are missing or not, red (with 0/10 means your missing all 10), blue means none have aired yet, which works for seasons being monitored, but is misleading/incorrect for unmonitored seasons. I have added it to Trello to fix it up: https://trello.com/c/plnRPZdv/390-season-overview-weird-messaging-for-unmonitored-seasons
EDIT: Fixed in develop, as it was trivial to do.
That’s great, thanks.
It would be nice if the tooltip said “monitored: on” or “monitored: off” since there’s absolutely no common sense reason for the icon to look one way or another. It’s also a different color at the series level versus the episode/season level.
I guess I’m expected to remember that filled in means monitored? Or the other way around? Seriously, I never remember. There is literally zero logic to it.
Maybe even have the icon itself be a green check mark or a red X. Anything that makes sense at a glance instead of what it is now.
I’m just here to say holy thread necro batman. You could have opened a new topic in the feature request category?
Why would it matter? This came up in the search. It’s related. And a year and a half later, “which state is which?” is still a valid question because there is absolutely nothing in the interface to let you know one way or the other.
I’m going to necro it again, because it’s still an issue for me. I don’t mess with the interface often, but when I do, I always have to go look up a newly added series to figure out what flag is which.
Filled in is still monitored, outline only is still unmonitored.