I’m not sure how to phrase this to find if it has already been answered. I tried though.
Say my indexers only allow 5000 queries per day, but I have 9000 missing episodes. When I manually trigger a search for all missing episodes, it will eventually fail/stop when the 5000 limit is reached. I can’t repeat the search until my daily limit is reset.
The problem is, if I instigate another search, won’t Sonarr/Radarr simply start at the beginning again and repeat searching for the same missing episodes (apart from any it found previously of course).
Unless it’s smart enough to resume the search from where it left off, it’s never going to be able to search for the last 4000 missing episodes. I would have to manually search for these, uh, manually. By hand, so to redundantly speak.
The numbers above are only examples. In my case there may be 15,000 missing episodes, so searching for them series by series is really laborious, and there doesn’t appear to be a way to selectively search for all missing episodes across a selected range of series.
Can someone confirm that this is the case, or confirm otherwise? Even if the manual search for missing episodes was done pseudo randomly, then over time and repeated attempts it would eventually search all series.
Searching all missing doesn’t have any specific order, but will likely search the same things if results weren’t previously found/a file hasn’t since been imported.
Any way to get past this barrier? It means that, for the quantity of unmatched episodes that exceeds (an) indexer(s) limit, they will never be searched.
As people’s collections grow, this will increasingly become a significant issue.
For those of us with large collections, it already is.
While it might be argued that the solution is to increase the daily indexer limits. this isn’t the right solution. There’s little point in re- searching the same missing episodes constantly. It puts a strain on every system in the chain. The better solution is to keep track of how recently a given series/movie has been searched, and skip it if it is under a re- searching threshhold. This will balance the searching across all missing series/movies/episodes, not just those that are alphabetically/numerically chosen first.