This may seem like an odd request, so I understand if it isn’t workable. I also wasn’t sure if this fit ‘Help & Support’ or was better suited to ‘Feature Requests’. I decided to stick it in Help & Support, since I’m new to Sonarr and there’s a chance I’m just misunderstanding things completely.
My reason for this, in case that’s of any interest - I have a seedbox with Whatbox, and I’ve just set up Sonarr on it. I have friends who SFTP into my server to download tv episodes regularly, some of them would prefer the smaller, 720p files, whereas I prefer the 1080p files for myself. I really want both resolutions to benefit from the automation and organisation of Sonarr. Is this an option?
Currently, Sonarr will successfully replace low quality episodes with the higher quality episodes. Is there a way to skip the deletion of lower quality episodes? So, in any given season folder I could have each episode duplicated - one 720p version, one 1080p version? (I understand this could cause file-name conflicts unless a ‘{Quality}’ tag is used).
Another way of getting around this would be to have the ability to set multiple ‘profiles’ to the same series - so, for example, a show could have both a ‘HD-720p’ and ‘HD-1080p’ profile enabled, meaning the 720p files won’t be deleted when a 1080p version becomes available, but the 1080p version will ALSO be downloaded.
Actually, having the ability to set multiple profiles to a show could also resolve any potential filename-conflicts, as you could set them to be in separate paths (i.e. a 720p tv folder and a 1080p tv folder).
Any thoughts on this? Am I bonkers?