Could you add an option to group wanted episode by series or type ?
Could you add an option to group wanted episode by series or type ?
You mean this feature that is currently being worked on?
no, there is already mode to sort by series in progress you are right.
What i would like is a mode with:
“Doctor Who” : 55 missign episodes [SEARCH ALL EPISODES]
but only, if a setting is on.It’s more pratical for searching tv show by tv show.
Go to the series details page and search from there.
@markus101 : i know already but it’s not very pratical … i have 6000 episodes missing (monitored / unmonitored) , 400 pages … i am trying to complete my collection but with the wanted page like this. It’s too long
is the wanted page really complex ? i am a .net develloper, maybe i could fork the source and made a pull request ?
What are the pre-requisities for compiling ? the source are on github right ?
Its not overly complex, but it does exactly what its supposed to, we’re not interested in every page doing almost the same thing as another, thats not practical at all.
How is searching from the series page not practical? You can search by episode, season or series, depending on your need. Season search is the most effective since we can get hundreds of results for all episodes with a few API calls, series search leverages the same concept, but checks all seasons.
We’re also considering a better way to search for only missing episodes, from the series details, which is still a better option than forcing in a group by on the Wanted page.
All the information required for contributing is in the github repo, but we’re only going to accept it if it makes sense.
@markus101 : ok thanks for you reply.