I have the latest version ( installed on my Synology box. Everything was working fine until a few days ago where now now even though I have some missing episodes, my wanted page shows none. Because of this Sonarr doesn’t search for any of the episodes.
I haven’t done anything other than set up SSL, but thinking that that might be the case, I remove it and rebooted with no change.
I’ve rebooted my NAS and Sonarr. No luck. Anyone seen this or know how I can get it back to finding those episodes?
The first thing to look at would be errors in the logs, are there any?
Errors in the browser’s Dev Tools, would also be helpful, specifically anything for calendar or wanted/missing.
Ah yes, I meant to mention the logs. Below are the errors that I see right now. Looks to be just metadata errors. On a side note, my time is also really off. Double checked my NAS and the time is fine there.
As for the browser errors I’m not sure if this is what you are looking for, but let me know. Thanks for the help!
UPDATE: I left the broswer window open and there is an error that comes up for loading some jquery. Don’t know if that is a red flag? Image below.
Something keeps failing when creating metadata files
Something is causing the UI updates to fail, likely caused by something else failing.
Start with fixing the time, then try a backup and restore, backup remove the Synology package then start it up, if everything works, add a couple shows, check the calendar and if that works restore the backup, if things go awry after restoring then the DB might have issues otherwise you should be set.