Viewing pool storage under disks with mhddfs?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.3 (Stable Wed Mar 16 13:19:08 UTC 2016) and
4.4.1 (Nightly Wed Jun 22 11:14:49 UTC 2016)
OS: lubuntu 16.04 (xenial)
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): n/a?
Description of issue:


I have several drives pooled to /mnt/Media using mhddfs. This is not seen by Sonarr - it sees the individual physical drives. Is it possible to add pooled mount point manually? mhddfs handles balancing over the drives and I see sonarr does not support multiple folders for one show (which makes sense) so manually managing this is kind of a deal breaker.

I’ve found a few threads touching upon this but they were kind of old and also kind of dropped off without any resolution. I see that

There is no way to manually force Sonarr to see it if its unable to, there are a couple ways that Sonarr attempts to see it and either Sonarr can’t see it in that format or it thinks its something it shouldn’t be handling and ignores it.

One of the systems Sonarr uses is /proc/mounts and will also use /proc/filesystems to see if its a filesystem that it can understand. Seeing output for your system of those two files might allow us to support it.

/proc/filesystems -

/proc/mounts - - lines 28-29 refer to the mhddfs pool

So I’m an idiot. The pool loads fine in the actual app - the only place it doesn’t is the monitoring of free space in settings. This makes it at best a minor issue (and imo not really an issue at all)

sorry for wasting your time!

Do you mean in system? Or it fails to check the free space when its importing an episode so you have turned off that setting?

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