V2 Naming (Propers for Anime)

Hi @markus101 ,

Was wondering if Sonarr supported v2 naming? I know that PROPER and REAL are supported for tv shows and couldn’t seem to find a way to import and renaming files so that they would identify as a v2.

Thanks as always!


Sonarr will parse them all but the last one, because its looking for 01v2 (strict to avoid parsing it incorrectly).

You’ll need to include the {Quality Proper} token to have Sonarr append the version in the v2 style.

Hi Markus,

Thank you for your help on this, using the proper token is working in the naming scheme. Is it supposed to be missing from the menu though? (When you build a naming scheme in advanced Episode Naming section, it is not an option in 3732).

Best regards

No it should be there, we just forgot to add it.

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