uTorrent - Not cleaning up download after completion [SOLVED]


I have a remote uTorrent server and use BTSync to bring the completed files down to my local server for Sonarr can add them to my collection. I have configured Remote Path Mappings in Sonarr and it seems to be getting the file once it is synced however it seems to be making a copy of the file instead of moving it. It also does not clean up the seeding torrent in uTorrent. My Sonarr has been running for quite some time now using NZB, I’m only seeing these symptoms when using torrents. I have configured Sonarr for “Completed Download Handling” and “Failed Download Handling”. Any suggestions?


Sonarr won’t move a file in a seeding torrent, it will copy it or hardlink it, depending on your settings in Sonarr.

It will only remove a torrent when it finishes seeding, so set uTorrent to stop seeding after a certain ratio and Sonarr will remove it.

Thanks, I will give that a try.

working like a charm.