uTorrent completed downloads and CDH


I originally setup Sonarr to work with NZB files (SABnzbd and OZnzb).
I did not setup a drone directory.
I turned out CDH.

Sonarr seems to know where SABnzbd puts finished downloads and handles them perfectly.

Here is the real issue/question:

I recently setup torrents for hard to get episodes.
Configured Kickasstorrents
Setup utorrent as download client. Within uTorrent

  • Seperate unique directory for completed uTorrent downloads (I seperate downing from completed)
  • Sonarr finds shows and sends them to uTorrent and downloading starts. They are labled tv-sonarr
  • Once seeding is complete, Sonarr does not seems to know where the file is and does not process

Do I need to set the uTorrent completed directory as the drone directory?
Or do I need to send completed uTorrent files to my SABnzbd tv directory? Sonarr has grabbed nzb downloads from here. I don’t like this option as I do download other things and dont want them to end up in my SABnzbd TV directory.

Many thanks in advance for the help.



Because CDH was working file with SABnzbd with no drone directory, I did not think I needed a drone directory for uTorrent. I should have just given it a try before posting; right after my post I pointed the drone directory to my uTorrent completed directory and the downloads were processed.

So no download directory setup needed for SABnzbd, but Drone DIrectory needed for uTorrent.

If this is not 100% right please let me know what else I should do. Hopefully SABnzbd files will continue to process as they did in the past.



You definitely don’t want to do this, this would cause seeding torrents to get moved and stop seeding. You do not need drone factory with uTorrent.

Sonarr will get completed torrents from uTorrent with CDH.

Are uTorrent and Sonarr on the same system?
Do downloading torrents show up in Sonarr’s queue?

Hastebin a couple minutes of ((trace logs)) so we can take a look.

You turned it off? or?

Hi Marcus,

Thanks for the reply.

For your questions:

  • For the typo - CDH is turned on.

  • Sonarr and SABnzbd run off my uRaid server, but uTorrent runs off my pc. In the Sonarr client setup for uTorrent I used the ip address and port for the computer running utorrent. All files download to the uRaid server, but the client runs from the PC and uses a working directory. Looks like I had uTorrent directories set to the mapped address while in SABnzbd it was set to the network location address. I just updated uTorrent to use network location versus mapped, maybe that will fix the issue.

  • Yes torrents are sent the client and show up on the activity queue in Sonarr.

All seems to work other than CDH does not grab the file and delete it from uTorrent once seeding is complete.

Is having uTorrent on another computer the issue and is there a work around or do I have to run the torrent download client from the same system?

I will take out the drone directory configuration for now as based on your comments that would create issues while the file is downloading.

Many thanks,


Its not a problem, but you need to do extra configuration, specifically setup a remote path mapping in Sonarr to remap the path that uTorrent reports to something that Sonarr can access. If you look at your log files or the queue its likely sating its failing to import because the path cannot be accessed.

Thanks Markus.

I switched the folder notation in uTorrent to match what is loaded in SABnzbd and Sonarr. All references are not in network location format: /box/directory/folder

I switched all downloads to torrent and am waiting for a torrent to test if this does the trick. If not I will goto the logs and dig deeper for proper mapping.

Will report back once I know if it is fixed or I have to do more.


Just a quick final update for anyone else that might run into this problem.

The key was to pay attention to how folders work when Sonarr is not on the same system as a download client.
I did use network folder locations inside uTorrent (to match how SABnzbd and Sonarr were setup) but it did not like that syntax, so I reverted to the mapped drive syntax and used the remote path mapping section at the bottom of “settings, download client”. Simple enough to setup.

While I noticed the remote path mapping section I did not clue into what it was actually for, not I am all set.

Thanks Markus!!

I really love Sonarr, especially how it identifies bad downloads and then keeps trying. With a few NZB sites and now TOrrents setup it really is a set it and forget it program. With Sickbeard I had to manage the bad downloads and hunt down things that were not on usnet but were on torrents.

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