"Use Season Folder" setting ignored

Relatively new to nzbdrone, but really liking the program so far. Tonight however, something odd happened where it seems the “Use Season Folder” setting (currently set to OFF), was ignored during a processed download.

My directory structure is like such:

E:\video\TV_Shows\(episode name)

All episodes are copied directly into the respective folder name every 1 minute when nzbdrone scans my completed downloads folder. This had been working perfectly fine for the past two days, but now seems to be automatically creating the Season# sub-directory, like such E:\video\TV_Shows\Season#\(episode name)

I have verified that the “Use Season Folder” is in fact disabled, but the program still seems to be creating the folders.

Any suggestions?

Which one is disabled? The one in settings is only applied when a series is added, the season folder setting for the individual series is used when moving the files.