Use same multiplication (x1024) for file size limit in quality definitions as is used for actual file size for size limit rejection

NZB file contents (Rars + Pars, etc) is listed on manual search as 9.5GB (is actually 9.45GB but I get the rounding) but rejected for auto snatch as 10.1 GB is larger than maximum size 10.1 GB (10.06GB showing as limit in settings for

9.45GB file listed as: 10148312560 in size
10.06GB setting limit for 60 minute Bluray-1080p
10.06GB correctly multiplied: 10801842749.44 Bytes (unless I became math retarded, which is possible.)
Log shows file size checked against maximum of: 10060038120 Bytes

15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: Bluray-1080p v1
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: HD
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|AcceptableSizeSpecification|Beginning size check for: REMOVED
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|AcceptableSizeSpecification|Item: REMOVED, Size: 10148312560 is greater than maximum allowed size (10060038120), rejecting.
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|LanguageSpecification|Checking if report meets language requirements. English
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|ReleaseRestrictionsSpecification|Checking if release meets restrictions: REMOVED
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|ReleaseRestrictionsSpecification|[REMOVED] No restrictions apply, allowing
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|QualityAllowedByProfileSpecification|Checking if report meets quality requirements. Bluray-1080p v1
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|MinimumAgeSpecification|Checking if report meets minimum age requirements. 1144291.38464943
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|MinimumAgeSpecification|Release is 1144291.38464943 minutes old, greater than minimum age of 30 minutes
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|RetentionSpecification|Checking if report meets retention requirements. 794
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|DelaySpecification|Ignore delay for searches
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|HistorySpecification|Skipping history check during search
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|MonitoredEpisodeSpecification|Skipping monitored check during search
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|SeriesSpecification|Checking if series matches searched series
15-7-22 13:13:58.0|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] 10.1 GB is larger than maximum allowed: 10.1 GB

Sonarr stores the value internally as MB per minute, for 10.06GB thats 159.9 MB/minute. If I work backwards from the maximum number of bytes allowed (10060038120) I end up in the same place (rounded to one decimal): 10060038120 / 1024 / 1024 = 9593.99 (MB) / 60 (minutes) = 159.89 MB/minute.

Looks like we’re mixing 1000 and 1024 is a couple places leading to a big confusing mess.

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