I recently purchased a Synology DS115j NAS to experiment with a NAS. I have a Windows Home Server at the moment, which has a Drive Pool with a shared folder containing all my shows. I would like to use the Synology to download new episodes through Transmission or Sabnzbd, but to keep the tv shows on my Server for now.
I realize this is a little uncommon setup, but I was hoping that you would be able to tell me if it is possible or not. If it is possible, would you run Sonarr on the Home Server or on the NAS? When I install it on my NAS, I cannot point it to the my Series folder on the Diskstation, because it says the Path is invalid or doesn’t exist.
Thank you in advance.
It is possible, but you will need to setup Remote Path Mapping if Sonarr and the download client run on different machines. You will also need to use the network paths and have permissions setup to write to the network share.
This scenario is a less common scenario though, so finding information on how to set it up is going to be more difficult.
Thank you for the answer. I figured it would be difficult. I think in your answer, you mean that I keep Sonarr on the Home Server and sabnzbd and transmission on the NAS right? I tried to use network mapping, but I think I’m running Sonarr as a service. I will look into it.
Is there also a way for me to have Sonarr on the NAS and use Shared Folders on my server?
Either is possible, depends on what you want. If you’re testing the syno out and want to make sure Sonarr runs well on it, by all means put it on there and use network paths for the series folders, it should work, though you’ll need to mount them first on the syno.
Thank you for the advice. Mounting the folder on my Synology seemed to work. I’ll try to run it all on the NAS then. I’m also switching my downloads back to bittorrent, so it’ll be interesting to see how it goes.
Edit: I’m seeing very long load times on several occasions. Other services including the Diskstation manager respond fine. Is this is known problem with Sonarr?