Upgraded quality found before lower quality download finished/started

First: I’ve got phantom ‘queue’ items in my queue list which I manually deleted from NZBget but still show up, how can I get rid of these?

Second: I’m not really comfortable calling this a bug, but my happier experience using sonarr from SB sort of prompted me to check out nzbget for some better features and seemingly faster pace of development right now. That process exposed this combination of factors -

One way or another I had 720p releases put into the queue of nzbget. The queue was really busy, as well as I had the whole queue paused for certain times during configuration/testing. Anyways, what I ended up with was active downloads for both 720p episodes and WEBDL episodes in the queue at the same time. Because there was no point in downloading twice at that point, I paused, and then eventually deleted the unwanted instances. (Actually first I prioritized then ended up pausing and deleting)

Presumably people with slower connections and big downloading habits might be affected more regularily by this. I’m not sure this is even worth fixing, but sonarr is so damn slick that I figured I’d do my part and mention it in case there was interest by the devs.

EDIT: This brings up another question - what is the preferred way to ‘pause’ sonarr when work like this is going on? I guess one might disable the downloader client entry, which I did at one point, but it seemed like that also caused errors and/or logging language that made we think that was messing the state of searches and such up.

Restarting Sonarr might remove them, but if they come up again, then its coming from somewhere in nzbget, either the queue or history.

Your second issue is known, but its not a common occurrence, we do have a lot in place already to handle it, but not everything we need, regardless its on Trello: https://trello.com/c/MAs8ZXPh/801-remove-lower-quality-when-queuing-a-higher-quality-release

I personally “pause” it by disabling RSS Syncs on my indexers, it will be in search only mode then and works great for my development machines (no duplicate notifications/queued items).

Thanks markus. I found them marked as successful in nzbget history, so I must have done that and sonarr was rightly letting me know it was expecting them still. Removing those entries in nzbget has removed them from the queue screen.

Thank you for the tip, I wouldn’t have thought to use the RSS sync delay/disable, I will do that in the future.