Updating the synology pkg

Just checked out the synology pkg for nzbdrone, been using the windows version until now.

I see that it dosn’t update it self like the windows version do, is there a way to achive this, or do i have to wait until the package maintainer creates a new syno pakacge?

You will have to manually update to the latest version then you can take advantage of the built in updating, unfortunately the updated package that contains this functionality has not yet been accepted to the beta channel.

Following the installation instructions here will be how to update: https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/Installation#other

When I switched to the anime branch after installing that package, it automatically updated too. I’ve never done a manual update even though I’m using that package. If you don’t want to go through the trouble, maybe you could just switch to the development branch. If you don’t mind a slightly less stable environment that is, but I personally like it. :stuck_out_tongue: