Unraid, sonarr, feral hosting setup

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):6.10.0
OS: unraid
Debug logs:

Description of issue:

Not sure if this is the right place, but I’m running out of ideas. Setup unraid server. Trying to setup sonarr (never used it before). following spaceinvaderone video and get to point of pointing sonarr at the seedbox. I’m using feral hosting. I follow the instructions between the video and and feral wiki and wind up here with a failed test. Any help you can provide would be great. I’ve tried using both my username and “rutorrent” in the username box.

Solved it, not sure what I did, just kept trying the same things in different ways. Might have been a spelling error somewhere

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