Ancient Aliens continues to redownload even after ensuring all episodes are unmonitored.
This is driving me insane. We just switched from unlimited internet to 500 GBs so this is worrisome.
Ancient Aliens continues to redownload even after ensuring all episodes are unmonitored.
This is driving me insane. We just switched from unlimited internet to 500 GBs so this is worrisome.
The only way an unmonitored episode would be grabbed is if it was searched for (which doesn’t happen automatically). If they were reposted and monitored they would be grabbed, but I only see reposts from 16 days ago, nothing newer.
What exactly did you unmonitor?
If you’re continuing to have issues please pastebin your debug logs (which has to be enabled).
Hell, I noticed that too and thought it was fixing something. Ancient Aliens is doing this to me as well!
If it does it again, I’ll post my logs. I just cleared them all out.
Just did an Update Series Info and scan Disk… caused it to start an api download call:
Clicked this:
Caused this:
Noticed this (observe how 1-5 are missing [tvdb issue??]:
Season 5: missing 1-5
Season 6: missing 1-8
Season 7: missing 1-5
15-1-15 22:14:34.1|Info|RefreshSeriesService|Updating Info for Ancient Aliens
15-1-15 22:14:36.3|Info|RefreshEpisodeService|Starting episode info refresh for: [101501][Ancient Aliens]
15-1-15 22:14:36.5|Info|NzbSearchService|Searching 4 indexers for [Ancient Aliens : S05E01]
15-1-15 22:14:36.6|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed NZBSITEREMOVEDt=tvsearch&cat=5000&extended=1&apikey=&offset=0&limit=100&rid=25490&season=5&ep=1
15-1-15 22:14:36.6|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed NZBSITEREMOVEDt=tvsearch&cat=5000&extended=1&offset=0&limit=100&rid=25490&season=5&ep=1
15-1-15 22:14:36.6|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed NZBSITEREMOVED/api?t=tvsearch&cat=5000&extended=1&apikey=&offset=0&limit=100&rid=25490&season=5&ep=1
15-1-15 22:14:36.6|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed NZBSITEREMOVED/api?t=tvsearch&cat=5000&extended=1&apikey=&offset=0&limit=100&rid=25490&season=5&ep=1
15-1-15 22:14:37.8|Debug|NzbSearchService|Total of 18 reports were found for [Ancient Aliens : S05E01] from 4 indexers
15-1-15 22:14:37.8|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|Processing 18 reports
15-1-15 22:14:37.8|Debug|Parser|Parsing string ‘Ancient.Aliens.S05E01.DVDRip.x264-DEiMOS’
15-1-15 22:14:37.8|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. ancientaliens - S05E01
15-1-15 22:14:37.9|Debug|Parser|Language parsed: English
15-1-15 22:14:37.9|Debug|NzbDrone.Core.Parser.QualityParser|Trying to parse quality for Ancient.Aliens.S05E01.DVDRip.x264-DEiMOS
15-1-15 22:14:37.9|Debug|Parser|Quality parsed: DVD v1
15-1-15 22:14:37.9|Debug|Parser|Release Group parsed: DEiMOS
15-1-15 22:14:37.9|Debug|AcceptableSizeSpecification|Beginning size check for: Ancient.Aliens.S05E01.DVDRip.x264-DEiMOS
15-1-15 22:14:37.9|Debug|AcceptableSizeSpecification|Item: Ancient.Aliens.S05E01.DVDRip.x264-DEiMOS, meets size constraints.
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|LanguageSpecification|Checking if report meets language requirements. English
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|ReleaseRestrictionsSpecification|Checking if release meets restrictions: Ancient.Aliens.S05E01.DVDRip.x264-DEiMOS
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|ReleaseRestrictionsSpecification|[Ancient.Aliens.S05E01.DVDRip.x264-DEiMOS] No restrictions apply, allowing
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|QualityAllowedByProfileSpecification|Checking if report meets quality requirements. DVD v1
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|QualityAllowedByProfileSpecification|Quality DVD v1 rejected by Series’ quality profile
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|MinimumAgeSpecification|Minimum age is not set.
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|RetentionSpecification|Checking if report meets retention requirements. 346
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|DelaySpecification|Ignore delay for searches
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|HistorySpecification|Skipping history check during search
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|MonitoredEpisodeSpecification|Skipping monitored check during search
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|SeriesSpecification|Checking if series matches searched series
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: [Permanent] DVD is not wanted in profile
15-1-15 22:14:38.0|Debug|Parser|Parsing string ‘Ancient.Aliens.S05E01.Geheimnisvolle.Pyramiden.German.DOKU.WS.HDTVRiP.XviD-UTOPiA’
15-1-15 22:14:38.1|Debug|Parser|Episode Parsed. ancientaliens - S05E01
etc etc etc
well, now it’s showing the correct data…
In develop Sonarr will search for missing episodes that were just added to the library, which looks to be the case here.
Currently the monitored status of the series and episode is ignored, I’ll get a fix pushed out for this tonight or tomorrow.
I have experience this three times already with Ancient Aliens. The first time I did have some of the previous episodes monitored, so I correctly unmonitored all previously aired episodes. My intention is to only grab new shows, as all other are watched.
When it happened again I just deleted the episodes from disk and rescanned Sonarr. That seemed to clear it all up.
Then this last time it started downloading them all again for no reason at all. This show has been in my library for a long time, and nothing new was added to it. Also nothing was manually searched for at all.
Also I’m still missing episodes entries from the latest two season.
After checking it all out again I see I still have issues.
As the last resort I completely unmonitored the entire series, thinking I will just manually download the new airs. However even with the whole show unmonitored it’s still trying to download three episodes.
I have been left with having to resort to keeping Sab is paused mode so that I can verify the downloads before they happen.
I’m having the issue again today. It snagged episodes over that I already had. The episodes are also missing from the list.
Are you on latest develop, currently?
Yeap, 2647. It seems it happens every 12 hours on the refresh??
Could you enable trace logs and refresh that series then pastebin the logs? And which series is it? I’ll run some tests as well.
Only Ancient Aliens. All others appear to be ok. I’ll PM you the logs.
The only thing I can think of is when it happened last you weren’t on the most recent update (the one that respects the monitored status), since it went live late last night.
I’ve done some testing and haven’t been able to reproduce this issue.
If you experience it again debug logs would be awesome, should be safe to leave them on for a while.
I have been seeing the same. I know you requested logs and working on that as well.
I deleted the series then restarted sonarr, made sure the target folder was deleted as well.
added the series back and this is what it shows…
Not even seeing the first 5 eps of season 7, I’ll see if I can get more detail with some logs when I recreate this…
I know it was downloading from an unmonitored season before I started all this.
Oh btw,
Mono Version
3.12.0 (tarball Thu Jan 15 17:07:05 UTC 2015)
looks like the whole series is off by 5.
at least by comparison to tvdb
forbidden caves is listed in sonaar as # 6 but is really eps #1??
This just did it AGAIN to me.
@markus101 - I have trace logs. I’ll dump them to paste bin for you.
Here’s some pics:
Now Sonarr thinks it’s missing, it’s not:
As evidenced here:
on build - Jan 16 2015
Friday, January 16 2015 2:08pm
More information: after Refresh Series complete, all is back again, so it’s almost like during a refresh, it thinks they are missing, then back after it’s done?
There are a fee issues at play here.
The searching is because the search happens after the episode info is updated, but the disk scan happens after.
The data issue (with the disappearing episodes). Is due to a bug we discovered with the TVDB API and info getting updated, but the last updated time was unchanged (so our proxy didn’t update it).
Have a fix for the data weirdness that will be in place later, we’ll have to dig into the searching issue later, it’s an issue, but only comes up due to the weird data issue.
Got ya. Thanks Markus.
Let us know if you need more logs too!