Hi, I am slowly moving from Sickbeard to Drone by adding a few shows every few days to make sure all works ok.
Yesterday I added about 5 shows and did not have “Ignore Deleted Episodes” turned on, so some eps were added to the Wanted queue. I fixed up all the monitoring so that only the latest season was monitored, but the Wanted/Unmonitored list still contains these eps.
How can I remove these from the Wanted/Unmonitored queue?
“Ignore Deleted Episodes” only works if drone knew about the file and then it was deleted.
Wanted + Unmonitored shows episodes that drone won’t grab automatically (anything unmonitored that doesn’t have a file yet appears there). Some people wanted to see what was missing and unmonitored, so that is shown there. Wanted + Monitored is what drone will look for automatically, following the rules here: https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/FAQ#how-does-nzbdrone-find-episodes
Monitored = drone will grab it automatically
Unmonitored = drone will only grab it if searched for (something you have to do manually).
OK, gotcha, maybe I need to put this into Trello…
my XBMC automatically deletes tv shows 14 days after they have been watch, so I may have shows where I have watched 90% of the episodes, but I no longer have those files. So it just means that that Wanted+Unmonitored list is going to get very big (its already 132 pages with maybe 10 of my shows added to Drone)
Thats the expected behavior, I don’t use Wanted + Unmonitored, just Wanted + Monitored, probably lots of others in the same boat.
Not exactly sure what you’re expecting to see here, but its working exactly as it should.