Unknown Series?

I added “The Next Food Network Star” as a Series, it however does not auto download any episodes. If i go in and manually search for the episode it finds them however there is a red exclamation next to it that say’s “Unknown Series” when you hover over it. Any ideas? The title of the show is “The Next Food Network Star” and the name of the results are “Food Network Star”, could that have anything to do with it?

And when i manually try to download one of the shows during a manual search i get this error.

NzbDroneErrorPipeline Request Failed: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source 5:58 AM

Usually these mismatches result in no episodes found and the reason you can’t forcible download it is because it’s not linked to a series. We have a process in place to correct these naming issues here: http://forums.nzbdrone.com/discussion/135/scene-naming

I have added a card to Trello regarding the error that is thrown, so we can resolve it: https://trello.com/c/mybEKOFu/281-manual-download-for-unknown-series-shouldn-t-blow-up

Thanks! I will submit the information to form.

Its been added, it can take up to 12 hours to hit your copy of NzbDrone.

For future reference the ID is the numerical ID from the TVDB, its in the URL (82166):

Great, thanks Markus! I am not sure what i would do without NZBDrone.

I am getting this error on my nzbdrone logs.
nzbdrone is not moving the episode to the correct tvseries folder.
This just started happening last night?

14-4-25 14:36:54.1|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Black.Box.S01E01.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION folder quality: HDTV-720p
14-4-25 14:36:54.1|Debug|DownloadedEpisodesImportService|Unknown Series Black.Box.S01E01.720p.HDTV.X264-DIMENSION

Its because the tvdb name is The Black Box, but the scene used Black Box. This has already been requested, but see http://forums.nzbdrone.com/discussion/135/scene-naming and https://github.com/NzbDrone/NzbDrone/wiki/FAQ#why-cant-nzbdrone-import-episode-files-for-series-x--why-cant-nzbdrone-find-releases-for-series-x for more information.

whats your best guess to when it will be fixed??
Is there some kind of work around that I can do or just wait until the next release?

It doesn’t require a new release, but I haven’t had time to update the mappings, I’ll try to do it tonight or tomorrow morning.

In the mean time rename the folder to add “The” at the beginning.

Its fine now. I just re added the show to drone and it downloaded and put the file in the correct folder!!!