Unknown Quality

Currently there is no way to have NzbDrone snatch shows of unknown quality. Can we get an option to do that?

I don’t think there are releases that officially have unknown quality. they are just episodes we can’t parse. can you post an example of a release that was considered unknown?

The Shield - Season 1, Episode 13. Two downloads exist, neither lists a quality in the filename. NzbDrone’s identifier has the quality as “Unknown.”

Unknown quality would clearly be considered to be the lowest possible quality when determining priority.

Well, you can manually force it via a manual search, which should also import it after its downloaded (if not let us know). I think automatically downloading it could have some adverse effects. Assuming the file name you’re having issues with is The.Shield.S01E13.NTSC.x264-CtrlSD we can fix that.

That’s the one. What adverse effects are you thinking? Viruses?

The thing about forcing the manual download is that this is the case with several shows/episodes (if this was the first time, I wouldn’t be posting), and having to keep an ever-vigilant eye out for unknown quality versions ruins the point of automating the process.

As a point, SickBeard allows for downloading of unknown-quality releases and I don’t remember ever hearing about it causing problems for their users.

We could enable unknown quality downloads but not add them to any quality profiles by default.
that way users would be able to allow them if they want to.

I’d be concerned about a large file getting downloaded, but I guess that would be the only downside.

I haven’t seen many Unknown episodes and I’d personally rather improve the quality parsing (when possible) then open up Unknown downloading, since that helps improve it for everyone, same as we do for scene naming issues (and using Xem for scene numbering differences), but I imagine the Unknowns are for older episodes, likely released in DVD quality which would be good to fetch regardless of it being Unknown.

You could set the max file size for unknown quality to be the same as 1080p Blu-Ray to help with the concern of downloading a gargantuan file. I have a feeling you’re right about what quality they usually are.

And yeah, it would probably be best to not put them in any profiles by default. You do add a small element of uncertainty when getting unknowns, which is probably only something you want reasonably-competent users dealing with.

Added it to an existing Trello card which deals with advanced/expert settings since I think it might be confusing for some people if it was always shown.