Uncaught Error when updating series info

I just noticed that one show is appearing as airing today, when it actually aired yesterday (I’m in Australia for reference). I thought I’d try hitting the “update series info”, and that’s giving me a bunch of error popups (it’s still going), but nothing in the logs. The errors are:

app.js: 0 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_listenerId' of undefined

and then a bunch of:

app.js: 24828 Uncaught Error: Invalid Arguments

The rest of the Australian shows are appearing correctly (on the correct day). The show in question is [277531][Secrets & Lies]

Let me know what else you need :slight_smile:

EDIT: I’ve just noticed (this is minor, but may as well bring it up), that the TVRage link actually goes to the US version (not out yet). Trakt, IMDB and TMDB are all fine.

The data comes from trakt, which gets it from tvdb and will have to be fixed on thetvdb/trakt depending where the issue lies, wrong date on tvdb means it will have to be corrected there, but if its linked wrong to the US show it may be that trakt’s data is wrong. You can open a ticket with trakt here: http://support.trakt.tv

As for the errors, what version are you running (in the footer).

Yep, not to worry with the dates, it was still downloaded yesterday (and to be honest it’s just a crap show that the wife watches so I’m not too bothered :D)

For the version, I’m on the latest, so