Unable to update on OS X 10.10.4

Having an issue as well with updating on a Mac running OS X 10.10.4.
In the bottom right of screen, I get the little notifications about it downloading, preparing, etc., but when it gets to the “restarting Sonarr to apply update”, nothing seems to happen. I have restarted the computer to see if it kicks it along with no success.
Not sure if it is the same problem as the OP, but here is what it says in the Update log:

15-7-29 15:58:55.0|Info|UpdateApp|Starting Sonarr Update Client
15-7-29 15:58:55.0|Info|UpdateApp|Updating Sonarr to version
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|UpdateApp|NzbDrone process ID: 346
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|UpdateApp|Arguments:
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|UpdateApp| 346
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|UpdateApp| /var/folders/33/c69hc0_54xv003q5wl_96fmw0000gp/T/nzbdrone_update
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|UpdateApp| /Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/NzbDrone.exe
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|UpdateApp|Using executing application: /Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/NzbDrone.exe
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|UpdateApp|Executable location: /Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS/NzbDrone.exe
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Info|UpdateApp|Starting update process. Target Path:/Applications/Sonarr.app/Contents/MacOS
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Info|InstallUpdateService|Verifying requirements before update…
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Debug|ProcessProvider|Finding process with Id:346
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Warn|ProcessProvider|Unable to find process with ID 346
15-7-29 15:58:55.1|Fatal|UpdateApp|An error has occurred while applying update package.

System.ArgumentException: Process with ID doesn’t exist 346
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateEngine.InstallUpdateService.Verify (System.String targetFolder, Int32 processId) [0x000c3] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateEngine\InstallUpdateService.cs:75
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateEngine.InstallUpdateService.Start (System.String installationFolder, Int32 processId) [0x00000] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateEngine\InstallUpdateService.cs:79
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateApp.Start (System.String[] args) [0x00020] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateApp.cs:59
at NzbDrone.Update.UpdateApp.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00042] in m:\BuildAgent\work\6c3239faf2b92630\src\NzbDrone.Update\UpdateApp.cs:43

I forgot to mention also, the reason I was looking to see if there were any updates is because some of my series aren’t displaying that it has the episode, even though the files are sitting there in the folder.
I have refreshed the series manually to search for the files but that didn’t work. Neither did restarting the computer as above.

Which version of mono?

Sounds like this issue:

I don’t know what “Mono” is sorry… Where would I find it?

I got it updated by doing the following:

  • Downloading the latest Mac ZIP file (NzbDrone.master.osx.zip)
  • Removing the “autostart” plist file from the “~/Library/LaunchAgents/” folder
  • Logging out then logging back in (I had to do this because Sonarr or NZBDrone doesn’t seem to show up in “Activity Monitor” app so I couldn’t figure out how else to shut it down seeing as the “Shutdown” button in Sonarrs settings doesn’t seem to do it)
  • Replacing the “Sonarr” app in the Applications folder with the newly downloaded version

It is now updated but still doesn’t display the episodes that are in the TV Series folders correctly

Have you refreshed the series? Check ((debug logs)) to see what file Sonarr saw and processed. The issue could be permissions or how they are named.

Aaah crap! I think I just figured out the problem! It seems iTunes has decided to rename the files so instead of being
it has changed them to
01 episode.m4v
I recently updated iTunes and the setting to change this must have been turned on (or the kids did it…)


Its always the kids :smile: Sonarr should handle those if they’re in a season folder though.

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