Unable to Uninstall from Programs & Features

Sorry to drag this back up again, but I’m having a similar issue. I’ve moved the program to my unRAID server and want to uninstall it from my workstation. When running the uninstaller from Programs and Features, I get the "An error occurred while trying to uninstall NzbDrone version 2.0…)

I checked the \ProgramData\NzbDrone folder and can’t find an uninstall file.

Could you post the full error?
Have you tried downloading the installer again and running it to remove it? (It should offer to repair or remove)

We’ll have to take a look at the uninstaller.

Here is the full error:

*An error occurred while trying to uninstall NzbDrone version 2.0. It may have already been uninstalled.

Would you like to remove NzbDrone version 2.0 from the Programs and Features list?*

I know it isn’t uninstalled because I can still open the program. The system in question is 7 Ultimate x64 if that matters. Is there supposed to be an uninstaller file, because I can’t seem to find one.

Not sure how the installer handles uninstalling, but I don’t think there is a uninstall file for it.

Does the bin directory and NzbDrone.exe still exist in C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone?

You could click yes and then delete the bin folder, or the entire C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone directory if you don’t want to keep the database around, just in case.

It does. I found a “Service Uninstall” file in there that appears to uninstall the service, as localhost:8989 no longer answers requests. I suspect I can just delete all traces of NzbDrone from the directory structure? I’m wondering what registry entries were created?

Yes delete that folder and it won’t have any other references on disk.

Only the one for the installer, which you can remove via Programs and Features.

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Awesome. All gone and running on my unRAID server. Thanks markus!

Is there a “Mark as solved” button I’m not seeing?

No marked as solved button, not to worry though.