Unable to setup nzbDrone and Sabnzbd, SSL mode

I am trying out NZBDrone and I seem to be unable to setup Sab as download client. Sab is setup as localhost, SSL (port 9095) but my certificate is not verified could this be the problem? I keep getting messages: :: [GET] Internal Server Error : /api/queue :: :: Failed to get response from: XXXX://localhost:9095/api?mode=queue&output=json&start=0&limit=0&apikey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&ma_username=XXXXX&ma_password=XXXXXXX The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.:: :: Request Failed: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. ::

After an hour of fidling with settings I managed to crash NZBDrone so hard I had to go to APPDATA folder and delete all settings just to be able to access settings again… not sure what else to do

Yes, I believe that error means the cert validation failed, I don’t see why it should need validation, so we’ll have to look at turning it off. In the mean time you should be able to use non-SSL since its on localhost the only way someone would be able to intercept it would be to have access and at that point your screwed anyways, also username and password are not required if the API key is used (API key is the preferred method). https://trello.com/c/sKlsrBOO/480-ignore-cert-validation-errors-when-connecting-to-sabnzbd

As for the errors accessing the settings, there are likely a few ways that the settings could be messed up to the point where the UI would fail to load them, either caused by unexpected data being sent to the UI or on the server from the database, logs might shed some light on what happened.