Unable to import episodes on v3

Sorry to bump the thread and giving you false hope, but I’m also getting this error.

Not sure why it wants the M: drive… I don’t even have that drive letter assigned. I have multiple drives (Currently 13 pcs + OS disk), and using folder mapping.
I partitioned a small portion of my C: drive and named it Z: and in there I have 13 disks mounted.

At first I thought that I was having problems with what seemed to be related to files/directories permissions.

So, I tried to change ownership to account “All” and removed all the rest. This usuall does the trick, but it would seem not, but a look at the logs revealed pretty much what LOD posted, so I’m thinking something is trying to access something that’s not supposed to be at that path.

I’m running Version which should be the latest. It updated today I think, as well as yesterday too.

Don’t feel like dissect the Sonarr files trying to find something that probably is within a binary database. Haven’t even looked, but I’m a little surprised that no one has responded to this thread yet.

So, I’m hoping for some help here.
Don’t feel like reinstall the whole thing again to rectify this…

Thank you

Edit: Found this thread on Google, and by judging the results, this was the most correct one.

these always boil down to either a permission issue, or a mapping issue

first step, is take the path that your download client has given sonarr and see if you can get at it yourself from the same location sonarr is running (host or container)

\SEVERNAME\TV Shows Ended\Valor

if youre on a QNAP (as a package) then thats not a valid path (which is what sonarr is saying), so presuming sonarr has access you need to tell sonarr how to map that path into something that sonarr can find on the QNAP

so go into sonarr and add a remote path mapping that points from \SEVERNAME\TV Shows Ended to the equivalent location on the QNAP

note - if that path is from a download client then it really shouldnt be dumping them directly into the tv folders itself, sonarr can do that, it should just dump them into a generic “downloads” folder on the QNAP, and sonarr will process them from there

because, presuming its from the download client, thats the path the download client put the file for sonarr to pick up.

you need to create a remote path from that path to one that sonarr can actually see, and has access to.

you also need to explain exactly what you were doing. was it a download job that had finished, or were you manually importing, or something else?

I don’t use QNAP (Which I presume is the NAS solution devices), so irrelevant for me.

Eh. I never even used any M: drive so I don’t understand what it got that idea from.

I got this error on several occasions.
But mostly I think when trying to move a series between drives, and when trying to download episodes.
I haven’t changed anything in particular since I installed it, so I don’t see why it’s behaving like this with the M: drive. Is this something that is stored in the database file?

If you don’t use M:\ it’s irrelevant, it’s an exception and lists the path where it was compiled, which is M:\ on our build servers, the relevant part to you is /api/v3/diskspace: value [\SEVERNAME\TV Shows Ended\Valor] is not a valid *nix path. paths must start with /

Which is because you have a Windows path in the DB, which my guess would because you’re attempting to use a backup from a Windows system on the QNAP, which is not supported. You can go Linux to Linux or macOS, but you can only go Windows to Windows unless you’re willing to deal with issues and fix them yourself within the DB.

Ehh… Just to make some things clear here: Are you referring to the NAS-devices QNAP or something within Sonarr?

If so, as I stated above, I don’t use any Linux version, only for Windows, and always have.
Last install was a clean one, with no database from backup.

This is what my error code actually looks like (I only ended up in this forum due to an initial google search on “M:.…:”. Was a similar like the original posters code. I think it was the full path I searched for. But, anywhoo, here’s my code:

v3.0.2.551] System.NullReferenceException: Objektreferensen har inte angetts till en instans av ett objekt.
   vid NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.DownloadedEpisodesImportService.LogInaccessiblePathError(String path) i M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\MediaFiles\DownloadedEpisodesImportService.cs:rad 270
   vid NzbDrone.Core.MediaFiles.DownloadedEpisodesImportService.ProcessPath(String path, ImportMode importMode, Series series, DownloadClientItem downloadClientItem) i M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\MediaFiles\DownloadedEpisodesImportService.cs:rad 102
   vid NzbDrone.Core.Download.CompletedDownloadService.Import(TrackedDownload trackedDownload) i M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\CompletedDownloadService.cs:rad 106
   vid NzbDrone.Core.Download.CompletedDownloadService.Process(TrackedDownload trackedDownload, Boolean ignoreWarnings) i M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\CompletedDownloadService.cs:rad 100
   vid NzbDrone.Core.Download.TrackedDownloads.DownloadMonitoringService.ProcessClientItems(IDownloadClient downloadClient, DownloadClientItem downloadItem) i M:\BuildAgent\work\63739567f01dbcc2\src\NzbDrone.Core\Download\TrackedDownloads\DownloadMonitoringService.cs:rad 136

I’m running Swedish Windows 7 Ultimate, so

Objektreferensen har inte angetts till en instans av ett objekt **

Translates, roughly to "Object reference has not been given/named/stated for an instance of an object
And at the end of each line it says “rad” which means “row”

So not the error and likely not the same issue…

The log snippet doesn’t tell us much, post the full Debug log and for that matter all the requested information we ask for when opening a new thread, because it’s all relevant.

Move to a new thread because we’re talking about separate issues.

Hmm… I’m having problems posting the whole thing. It gives me an error:“Body is limited to 32000 characters; you entered 63109.”
Tried to use the Upload function, but it only accepts images :thinking:

Additional Information:
- Information on the log files is here: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Log-Files
- Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings
- Post the log file, not a line or two, or just the error from the Logs table
- Post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar and link it here
- Do not post them directly here. Post in .txt not .doc, .rtf or some other formatted document

Here they are then:


The debug log doesn’t show the error so it’s not clear why the tracked download is failing to process, we may need trace logs that include that error to better see what the download client is returning, but definitely need debug logs of it, in this case the RSS sync drowned it out.

Added the trace log as well:

Are you using multiple download clients?

I see the responses from uTorrent, then see the errors, but the ones reporting errors aren’t in the uTorrent response that I’ve seen.

for example: The.100.S06E09.What.You.Take.With.You.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-CasStudio[rarbg].

Based on where the error is occurring it looks like there is either no path or an invalid path for the downloads Sonarr is failing to process.

Yes I am. I have two µTorrent clients running. One on local machine, and another one on a laptop.
DIdn’t think this would cause confusion…

I’ll try disabling the one on the laptop and see if it’ll make any difference.

There’s no real reason for two clients running, but I wanted to try since they’re on different VPN servers (Same ISP though), and sometimes I get more seeds/peers depending on VPN servers.
Besides, I would’ve though that Sonarr would keep track on the clients, even if they’re the same.

Both are converging into different directories:
“z:\Disk 9\Incoming\sonarr” locally
“\\y\sonarr #2” (Which is z:\Disk 9\Incoming\sonarr in Windows share on above computer)

As I said previously, I have mounted the disks under drive Z:
This is for making it easier to copy/paste addresses, as well as moving files on different computers, backing up files etc.
Also, I never need to worry that Windows reassigns drive letters if/when another drive is discovered.
Even if Windows would need to be reinstalled, the mapping info remains on the drives.

Also very smooth to have a simple Windows-share for my computers

Okay, that makes sense. We’ll need to see more trace logs then. Best thing to do would be clear teh existing log files, restart Sonarr, wait a couple minutes, grab all the trace and debug logs, throw them on dropbox and link them here, thatr should give us everything.

If you’re running Sonarr as a Windows Service, you should stop, disable or remove the service and start Sonarr via the startup folder, otherwise Sonarr is not going to work well with the mapped network drives.

I’ll have a look at it tomorrow. I have started moving some series between drives. When you’re low on diskspace you’ll have to do some Tetris with the series =0/

I had to free up some diskspace.
So far my download queue have diminished by about half (Had ~70 files in queue) when I moved the finished files from the #2 client to the first folder and then made a manual import.

I don’t have mapped network drives in Sonarr. It’s only the other µTorrent client that stored its downloads on my file-server (which is running the first µTorrent client, locally).

With any luck the errors will disappear by tomorrow, or at least some.
Right now I’m way to tired to wait for the file-copying to get done. :sleepy: <- Says sleepy… Not sad as it would look like

if you want to keep both maybe assign different categories for both of them? that should also isolate the activity list to just what sonarr has asked to download as well, and not everything thats downloading in there.

Hi. I had no errors from what I can recall this morning. I’ve also finished moving series between disks manually, and I did deactivate client #2 yesterday so I can’t say that I’ve noticed anything wrong so far.
Been occupied with Radarr instead sorting out a couple of hundred movies that for some reason were downloaded without my approval/consent, but that’s another matter for that forum, if it happens again!

So, I think you can close this matter for the time being.
Anything further will result in a removal and re-installation of the whole thing, and if it happens again I’ll deal with it then.

So, thank you for your time.

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