Unable to find config key messages

I had a problem using the new completed download handling. I kept my existing SAB category and kep it pointing to the same directory. I changed the Drone Factory directory to a different path.

The first download that I tried went to SAB fine. It completed and extracted successfully, but wasn’t then imported by NzbDrone - the extracted video file is still in the completed directory. It shows as successfully completed in SAB.

It may not relate, but I received a bunch of messages in the log when I disabled then re-enabled completed download handling.

14-6-23 11:26:49.7|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘enablefaileddownloadhandling’ defaultValue:'True’
14-6-23 11:26:54.0|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘enablefaileddownloadhandling’ defaultValue:'True’
14-6-23 11:26:54.0|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘autoredownloadfailed’ defaultValue:‘True’
14-6-23 11:26:54.0|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘recyclebin’ defaultValue:’'
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘autodownloadpropers’ defaultValue:'True’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘removefaileddownloads’ defaultValue:'True’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘blacklistgraceperiod’ defaultValue:'2’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘blacklistretryinterval’ defaultValue:'60’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘blacklistretrylimit’ defaultValue:'1’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘filedate’ defaultValue:'None’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘downloadclientworkingfolders’ defaultValue:'UNPACK|FAILED
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘skipfreespacecheckwhenimporting’ defaultValue:'False’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘downloadedepisodesscaninterval’ defaultValue:'1’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘setpermissionslinux’ defaultValue:'False’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘filechmod’ defaultValue:‘0644’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘folderchmod’ defaultValue:‘0755’
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘chownuser’ defaultValue:’‘
14-6-23 11:26:54.1|Trace|ConfigService|Unable to find config key ‘chowngroup’ defaultValue:’’

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Sorry, please ignore. I don’t know why I got that message but I found my problem. In SAB I wasn’t using job folders. i.e. I chose the option of"Ending the path with an asterisk * will prevent creation of job folders"

Just FYI, with trace log level enabled you’ll get that kind of information. It’s actually not an error. But you might wanna change the log level back to Normal or Debug, since trace produced significantly more log entries.