Unable to create release profile

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Synology 7.22
Debug logs: i dont have any logs, as it is a fresh install
Description of issue:

i cannot create a new release profile, when i am adding the tag at the bottom, the field erases what i just added.
this has been happening over and over, each time i need to create a new release profile, i cant, but i eventlly can after trying for 30-40 minutes

i just did a fresh install of sonarr in hopes that it would work as normal, but nope.

Try changing the focus by pressing tab or clicking outside the field after entering something, instead of (I guess what you’re doing) immediately clicking Save. You should see the tag entered, with a background. Then click Save to confirm.

i tried pressing tab, and tried pressing enter and tried clicking outside the tags field box, nothing is working.

Check the logs for any errors as well as the Network tools in the development console, it sounds like it’s clearing when it’s trying to create the new tag on the server and that just isn’t finalizing.