Unable to add tag to anime series: Dragon Ball Super

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue:

The error comes up about the Path:
Path is already configured as a root folder

When adding the path initially, I selected:

but Sonarr corrected it to:
D:\PLEX\Animated\Dragon Ball Super

I had another anime series that I needed to add a different tag but besides the tag, everything else was the same and it worked fine. It only happens for this particular anime series.

I want to add a tag so I can download a specific fansub but it will not let me.

UPDATE: I got the Path is already configured as a root folder to go away by updating the path to:
D:\PLEX\Animated\Dragon Ball Super\Dragon Ball Super

but when adding the tag and clicking save, it will not save the tag.

Remove the root folder via add series: add existing series from disk.

Check the logs for errors adding the tag.

thanks. it worked.

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