Ubuntu Sonarr radarr Cant access Hard drive with a path

I have Ubuntu 18.
Sonarr , Radarr and NZBGet all installed via dockstarter.

I have a seperate INTERNAL hard drive set to auto mount and shows up in /mnt/s6d5fg4ds65gf/my Media.

In sonarr and radarr I cannot access anything beyond /mnt ?when i go to add a path for the movie.

it says something like user is abc? how do i change it to a root user so i can access all these folders?


You need to tell the container which user to use (something like UID/GID depending on the container you’re using), though root is not recommended. Internally the user is still called abc you just tell it which identity to assume. This should be covered in the readme for the docker image you’re using.

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