Ubuntu 15.04 auto start issue

I am running headless server in remote location, so running in console isn’t ideal for me and would like to set up auto start.

I’ve followed auto-start methods written below

I am a linux newbie so I think I am missing some important step that is causing the issue.

The upstart method seems fairly easy but I get error when I try to start sonarr.

error message with something regards to upstart connection.

Can anyone help me set-up auto start?

I’ve been having the same problem after the update. Seems ubuntu switched to systemd instead of upstart.

put the following in /etc/systemd/system/sonnar.service

Description=Sonarr Daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mono --debug /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe


then a simple

sudo systemctl start sonarr

I’ve got it to work by installing upstart-sysv.

Is there a benefit for me to switch to service?

It says I have no root access to this folder? How do I fix this (complete Linux n00b right here)