Ubuntu 14.04 - 0: oncaucht exception: [object Object]?


Platform ubuntu 14.04.1 - 64 bit

Since this morning nzbdrone will not start - or load. It gives me the 0: oncaught exception: [object Object] error.

Since I cannot find the logfile… which should be located here “/home//.config/NzbDrone/log” I cnnot give any more info.

I tried

  1. sudo service nzbdrone stop - start
  2. reboot
  3. remove nzbdrone en re-install via apt-get install nzbdrone.

Would someone please be able to help me?

Starting and loading and vastly different things, unable to start means the application isn’t running and unable to load is the UI won’t load, which is it? It looks like a UI issue. But there isn’t enough information in that error to start looking somewhere.

Thats not the correct location for log files, the correct one is listed in the wiki: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Log-Files (replacing <user> with the actual user name).

Which branch are you running?
Which version?
How do you have it running? upstart?
Did you enable automatic updating?

I think the GUI wont load, since I can see the error in de GUI. - but the error is the only thing that loads.

I know, entered the correct username, but the folder could not be found. hmmm - /home/beninho/.config/ - Found the logs - made a typo I gues. I have 5 empty logs files

nzdrone.4.txt | pastebinit gives me – You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.

I do not have automatic updating enabled. - I just did an update, manually via apt-get, because I hoped it would solve my issue.

Version table:
*** 0
500 http://update.nzbdrone.com/repos/apt/debian/ master/main amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

I have it running with autostart on boot. from /etc/init/nzbdrone.conf

Those files aren’t created unless there is content to go in them, they are also too large for pastebin (1 MB), nzbdrone.txt is the most recent one that we’d be interested in. Can you delete the existing log files, try to load the UI and then pastebin the contents of nzbdrone.txt. This should tell us if the UI is failing to load due to a backend problem or not.

Damn. forgot cat in nzbdrone.txt | pastebinit without the cat it wil not upload.

here’s the logfile :slight_smile:

Which version of mono are you running? mono --version

It looks like an issue we saw with 3.4 and it corrupting parts of the database.

The simplest fix would be to wipe out the offending records using a sqlite tool (and connecting to nzbdrone.db).

UPDATE Series SET Actors = '[]' WHERE TvdbId = ID

Replacing ID with the TVDB ID of the series.

Using mono version

Version 3.1

Can I use nano and edit the nzbddrone.db → will try that.

I do not understand which record I should delete. When I search the .db for “UPDATE Series SET Actors” I does nog give me anything in return.

Actually, thats 3.10 (the zero is significant).

No, its not a text file, its a sqlite database. You should be able to use sqlite3: http://www.sqlite.org/cli.html

I tried it:

Did not work… Sorry i’am not a expert on this. Could you help me a litle bit more?

Just run: UPDATE Series SET Actors = '[]' then once the UI is loading refresh all your series, that way you don’t need to figure out the ID of the series. Also make sure you’re connecting to the nzbdrone.db database.

Something goes wrong.

I run this:

  1. sqlite3 nzbdrone.db
  2. sqlite> “UPDATE Series SET Actors = ‘[]’”
    (ctrl-D to exit)
  3. get error --> incomplete SQL

I do not understand what I did wrong

While in sqlite3 nzbdrone.db entering the command - I try to reload the GUI - it gives me the same error I got before.

Leaves me tho ask… what did I do wrong in the commandline?

You might need to terminate the line with a semi colon.

Error: no such table: Series

dont’t know?

tried with series - tvshows - tv-series …

Did you connect to /home/user/.config/nzbdrone.db (where user = the actual user)?

The table is definitely Series.

Zip up your DB and PM me a link to download it (dropbox, google drive, etc) and i’ll take a look. (create a backup on System -> Backup and send me that).

Yes, I connected to /home/beninho/.config/NzbDrone/nzbdrone.db

Strangest thing is, I tried the remove - also the /home/user/.config/NzbDrone foler.

Reinstalled the prorgramm - started it, stopped it. Returnted the backup (tried a few differtent ones). I get two results.

  1. empty setup. - nothing changed I need to enter every setting again.
  2. program starts but does not run? empy page.

Number 2 happens when I put the entire old folder back and just replace the nzbdrone.db and config.xml

Very strange behavior…

You restored an empty backup and one that was already corrupt, nothing surprising there.

I have PMed you your database.

Knowing that would have save me a lot of trouble, did not now the back-up would be empty.

Thanks Markus for the support