I have Intervention and Intervention Canada in my Sonarr list. When Sonarr grabs an Intervention Canada release and sab is downloading it, Sonarr identifies it as Intervention and not the Canada version.
Non-Canada version may look like : intervention.benny.s09e09…nzb
Canada version would look like: intervention.canada.benny.s09e09…nzb
Not entirely sure what to do here. For the mean time I have to remove one, download, remove it and add the other to download shows successfully.
If both shows are in my listing and Sonarr grabs an Intervention Canada, sab has the correct file and name, but Sonarr’s activity and post-processing put it under Intervention non-Canada.
Sounds like your indexer is tagging Intervention Canada with the TVRage ID for Intervention and Sonarr is grabbing it thinking its for the other series.
Which indexer? Debug logs might give a better indication if this is the case.
I noticed the issue happening before sab had finished downloading them. I deleted Intervention, waited for Sonarr to update the Activity page from Sonarr, when it updated it automatically switched them all from Intervention to Intervention Canada.
I thought maybe it was messing up based upon the nzb file name, because alphabetically Intervention comes before Intervention Canada and when I removed Intervention from Sonarr, the Activity page updated properly to Intervention Canada.
I was able to confirm that the issue is the TVRage ID being linked wrong on the indexer, if you do a manual search in Sonarr for S01E01 of either series the only result returned is the one for Intervention Canada and Sonarr is treating them as matching for both series due to the name match for Intervention Canada and the TV Rage ID matching for Intervention.
Your indexer will need to fix the tvrage ID for them to prevent them from showing up in Intervention’s results, but for episodes grabbed via RSS they should link to Intervention Canada properly.