TV Show with ? at the end not being found

I have an Australian TV show called 'Have You Been Paying Attention" the official title is “Have You Been Paying Attention?” and this is how it is added into Sonarr. Now doing and automatic and manual scan for episode results in nothing being found, but when I goto the indexers website I can find it no troubles. The only difference I notice is that the files don’t have ? in the title.

Can someone please help with a work around or fix?

It could be a number of things, the question mark should be dropped when doing a search and will be dropped when comparing results. If they are in a different category on your indexer make sure Sonarr is searching that one as well (visible with advanced settings on).

Beyond that we’ll need to see ((debug logs)) of a search.

Thanks I’ve looked at the advance screen for the indexer and all it says is Catagories 5030,5040 is this right?

Those are the defaults (SD and HD respectively), if you indexer has them in a different category then you’ll need to get the category ID from the URL and add it there.

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