TV guide feature

The ability to show what is currently playing on most popular tv channels.
Then instead of searching for a tv series, seeing whats currently playing it could be added to your TV shows to watch. For example, Shark Week is currently happening. I may not know exactly what shows are playing for that week without having to go search for a tv guide online and 2 step it. I know call me lazy but I think it would be a cool feature. Thanks

Good TV guide data requires a subscription service, which I imagine wouldn’t be cheap or easy to get without a deal in place, then it would all need to be linked to TVDB. The only alternative would be to dump all the TVDB data, but thats time consuming and not something we’d want to focus on. There are plenty of other things for us to do before we could even consider such a feature, so not something we’re going to commit to doing.

Thanks for the info and the quick reply!

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