I’ve been using Drone Factory for a long time now, but decided to try to move to the new Completed Download Handling.
When a download finishes, Sonarr is doing something with the files and removing the torrent from uTorrent, but the files are not ending up where I expect them to be (the series’ folder).
I’ve enabled tracing in the logs but have not found an error in the logs yet. Anyone willing to take a look and tell me what’s happening? Thank you!
I have noticed that as soon as I tell Sonarr to download an episode, it goes from the cloud “downloading” icon immediately back to “missing from disk”, even though it’s utorrent is actively downloading the file.
Those logs don’t show anything being imported, just removed from uTorrent (because they’ve finished seeding and Remove Completed Downloads is enabled).
Are they in the correct category (label) in uTorrent? Which version of uTorrent?
They are in the correct label as far as I know (tv-sonarr). When viewing labels in utorrent this is what is shown to me.
After testing some more I am able to get it to import once for this episode properly. After that, if I go and delete the completed file from the series folder, go to the series in Sonarr, tell it to rescan disk (so that the episode gets marked missing), then click on “Manual search” and select the episode again, it gets added to utorrent and the download icon shows up, but then goes straight back to missing from disk. The “Activity” button at the top shows no activity, and if I click on it the list is blank. This is contrary to the first successful download where the activity is tracking the download progress properly.
If I want it to work again, I have to tell Sonarr to restart.
I am using a very old version of utorrent (3.3.2). This is the last version I can find before they started bloating it up
If you tell Sonarr to grab the exact release it had before (same torrent hash) then Sonarr will see that it already imported it before and treat it as completed/imported, except the file on disk is missing, so it is missing from disk. If you want Sonarr to reprocess something that it previously imported and is now deleted you would need to remove the series from Sonarr and re-add it (so the history that contains the record that it was already imported is removed).
Okay. I don’t think I have seen this behavior before with Drone Factory - I was able to click on the same release before without any issue.
Is it a valid feature request to say if the user has specifically selected a file to download, then just download it and clear out any previous history about that hash?
I will test removing the series and see if this fixes my issue.
I did that, it’s still not tracking properly. I deleted the series from sonarr, re-added, told it manual search episode 2, and it went straight from cloud icon to “missing from disk” instead of “downloading” like it typically does. Activity list was blank. After about 30 seconds or so the torrent was removed from utorrent but the episode is still “Missing from disk”.
I suspect that this may have been a problem all along but never noticed due to using Drone Factory instead. Maybe it’s due to my old Utorrent version.
I’ll go back to using Drone Factory for now until I get forced off of it when the feature gets removed At that point I’ll see about using a newer torrent client of some sort and report back if I still have completed download handling problems.
No. Utorrent does nothing with the torrent after it is finished - it has to be Sonarr doing it since I have that feature enabled (even though this is happening when Activity in Sonarr shows nothing)
Just wanted to report that moving back to Drone Factory things are working properly. Even with telling Sonarr to grab the exact same release having Drone Factory import the file works properly.
Just an FYI for troubleshooting purposes, I did have Drone Factory set to “0” for the interval when testing CDH, and also had disabled moving completed downloads to a separate folder in Utorrent when using CDH.
Sorry I didn’t follow. Could you explain further what the proper configuration is to enable CDH and disable DF with a torrent client so that im sure I’m doing it properly?
As for grabbing the same release, not very often, unless something has happened to the file and you need to. But from what ive read it sounds like if something has happened to the file and you want to redownload the same one it’s currently impossible to do so unless you remove the series from sonarr, which seems overkill for this small thing.
Set the Drone Factory interval to 0 and clear the path. Then enable completed download handling.
There really isn’t a good alternative to that because torrent clients don’t have their own unique ID for torrents so Sonarr tracks it by the torrent hash. If it didn’t block importing it would continually try to import the same thing over and over.
You can use manual import, as the name implies it’s manual, so a bit of effort, but you’re also manually grabbing it and for the few times you’ll probably do it shouldn’t be a big deal.