Trying to add DrunkenSlug

I’ve just got a Synology 920+ so I have everything updated as I can. I’m trying to install drunkenslug on sabnzbd. Im having trouble trying to install it. I’m new to all this so any help would be greatly appreciated

. Thanks

Are Sonarr and SABnzbd installed locally or in Docker containers?

I don’t use SABnzbd, but I doubt its API key is a URL.

First things first - how to take a screenshot

Next. Go and read the wiki

DS is an indexer
SAB is a download client
They are two different things

It makes no sense whatsoever to be using an indexer url as the apikey to a download client.

See sab’s docs for how to get the apikey

You cannot use https in localhost without jumping through some hoops as you do not and cannot get a valid root signed trusted ssl Cert for local host

See the sonarr QuickStart guide and probably see /r/Usenet wiki to understand what Usenet is and how it works

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