Trouble keeping Sonarr alive on Synology

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Mono JIT compiler version 4.2.2 (Stable Thu Mar 17 10:54:57 CET 2016)
OS: DSM 6.0.1-7393 Update 1
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): sonar.debug.txt
Description of issue:

Hi, my Sonarr installation on a Synology DS411 was working fine, until suddenly, a couple of days ago, it decided to intermittently stop working. I’ve read several posts describing similar issues, but none seem to either match my situation or offer a solution, so I’m posting my own to see if someone can help me pinpoint and/or solve my problem.

First, my setup is described above. What’s happening is that the Sonarr web UI suddenly stops responding completely, even though the mono process appears to be running. At first I thought “giving it time”, since the NAS is not that performant, might help, but even a couple of hours later it doesn’t come back.

Next, comes the bigger issue: I stop Sonarr from the package manager and try to restart it. Sometimes it works, but more often it doesn’t; for no apparent reason. I’ve tried looking at all the logs that I can think of (and the Sonarr debug logs are linked above), but can’t find any explanation.

In the attached logs, you can see that the app stopped responding at 20:41 and no amount of restarting from the Package Manager or even executing start-stop-status by hand gets it back up.

I got it working again at 23:14 by running the following command directly:

sudo su - nzbdrone -s /bin/sh -c '/usr/local/mono/bin/mono --debug /usr/local/nzbdrone/share/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe'

However, this is not a maintainable way to run the app and it appears to have trouble finding some libraries when I run it like this.

One more thing I’ve noticed: when I run start-stop-status start, the mono process starts for a few seconds, but then dies and I haven’t managed to figure out why. Nothing is logged in the Sonarr log files during that time.

If anyone has any idea of what the problem might be or where to find more information, I’d really appreciate it.

The more time goes by, the more I suspect this being a resources issue. After all, the DS411 only has 512 MB or RAM and a small processor. Here’s what I’ve done to alleviate the issue:

  • Remove one series which was missing a few old episodes that were never meeting cut-off or very slowly downloading via torrent with few peers.
  • Disable Drone Factory. I had enabled this to allow Sonarr to import episodes that I downloaded manually. I guess I have to figure out another way to do this.

I’ll update this thread if I have any news. Still, if anyone has any ideas of where I could look for the exact causes of the unresponsive web UI, I’m still all ears.

Wanted > Manual Import

I observe the same thing with the very annoying addition of causing a NAS bootloop (gets stuck during shutdown/restart and have to manually switch off/on)

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